Organic food I just found

Ordering online doesn't give you any control over the age of the feed. I want mine to be within one month of the mill date (on each bag) and to use it up within another month. And, seed mixes do promote malnutrition, at least in some individuals, who will eat the yummy bits and leave the rest. Then you have a nice fat malnourished hen!
Ordering online doesn't give you any control over the age of the feed. I want mine to be within one month of the mill date (on each bag) and to use it up within another month.
Mary, You'll love this recommended use by date on a new feed at TSC.

:barnie GC
Ordering online doesn't give you any control over the age of the feed. I want mine to be within one month of the mill date (on each bag) and to use it up within another month. And, seed mixes do promote malnutrition, at least in some individuals, who will eat the yummy bits and leave the rest. Then you have a nice fat malnourished hen!
I know. All I can say is that two of these companies say they make in small batches and or when you order. Since I cannot find any other organic stuff here that isn't purina, and I don't know about dumor at all, and that's about it here.
There is no need to worry about corn in summer, it does not magically increase the chicken's body temperature. It is a misinterpretation of the term "Hot Feed" from cattle feeding that makes people believe that.
Really? I could have sworn where I read that was an authoritative source. Thanks for letting me know that, it just made my shopping for them a bit easier!
Corn is a very good ingredient in many feeds, and the only reason to avoid it is if you are allergic to it, or in pet food, if an individual animal is allergic.
Too much corn fed as a treat is not good, because corn, by itself, is not a complete feed.
Sifting through 'information' on the internet; it's necessary to separate fantasy from fact, and this includes some material on this site. :oops:
I know this, I thought wherever I read that was a good source. can't for the life me figure out who it was though amongst the massive amount of chicken reading I have been doing! lol Thanks so much. Now I got a good organic grower with corn. So much easier! Thank you!

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