Our coop is almost finished...any thing we forgot?


Opposums (and raccoons) can also easily climb chicken wire fences. I know this because we had an opposum family living in our compost heap, which is surrounded by chicken wire fencing.

The chicken wire of olden days was a much stronger product. That is why many chicken raisers who have been around a while were used to using it. The quality of the product is not the same as it used to be in my parents' chicken days.

Wow, thanks so much for all of the info. WE have added, just the past hour, the landscaping timber all around the coop and nailed it into the wire so that it will be more sound. WE have also added the gate. I will post pictures just as soon as I can bear to go outside (we liv ein Arkansas-HOT). I WILL add more fencing. I will probably just run around the inside of the coop and attach it to the posts we already have up. If we didn't concrete them in can we just add concrete to them now or will that not work? I WILL also cover it just as soon as I can afford the material (we are already out $300+ dollars and can't afford any more right now. I am not going to add a small door. Is that bad? I kind of figure the only times they will be out or in are when I will let them so I don't need a small door. I hope my reasoning is sound! I am home during the day so I can keep a close eye on the also. My neighbors pretty well like the novelty of it so far and are very used to my being way too country! PLus I will give them tons of eggs!!!
keljonma I know what you mean about fthe chicken wire. When my husband first started this idea of chickens he didn't do his research. He put up a coop in one day and had the chickens in it before nightfall. It did OK for a whole year We were shocked when we went out and found our girls dead. The coop was also pretty far from the house Now the new coop is right outside the side of our house. We live in northern Florida near a management area so we have to be very careful of predators. Unfortunealy that is why they can't free range either. But they do well and are happy and healthly. I just hate to see anyone use chicken wire.
micki, how awful that must have been! I've lost a few birds, but never a whole flock at once. I think there should be a warning on every roll of chicken wire sold "Keeps birds in, does not keep predators out." My flock only free-ranges when someone is home, because we have a huge hawk population around us. Of course, I'm not employed off the farm now, so our birds are usually out from sunup to sundown.

karri25, you don't need a pop door for the chickens if you're only letting them out when you are home.

I'm not sure about concrete after the posts are in, but I think it would work.

I wouldn't worry about spending additional money. Sometimes you can get tarp, a table, plywood, scrap lumber and pallets on your local www.freecycle.com. Sometimes people put things at the end of their property with "free" signs on them. These items can all be used to build a top or as a top on a portion of your run. It doesn't have to be costly. One of my friends used to have an old beach umbrella stuck in the ground for a shade spot for her chickens. She had a huge waterer under it and some little roosts and called it The Chick Bar. Your birds don't care what the building they live in looks like. I think building coops can release your inner creative monster.
We are kind of doing that right now as far as doing waht we can and being creative. Thanks fo rthe encouragement. I just love them to death I hope that I never have to worry about losing ANY of them!

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