Pacific NW Chickenstock!

Hey all, I emailed Cindi the sad news but thought I'd post it here too.

The family and I are on a tight budget (planning for a big family reunion vacation at the end of July) and won't be able to make it out to the NW chickenstock.

We really want to come out to see everyone and hope that next year we'll have the ability to do so. Oh, and I'm going to have to insist that ya'll take a TON of pictures!

I did send a nice package out to Cindi yesterday and encourage her to distribute a few of those goodies, and the ones she has in stock to those in attendance. LIKE goodies.....

Thanks Rob...I'm so sorry you can't come, though.... I was really looking forward to it.

Oh, anyone looking for nice birds, I just found out today that there may be some ameraucanas, black orpingtons, and various others from good stock available... Started young birds.
They'll be coming from Larry Urban, who is the regional director of the APA.... He sends his regrets, as he can't make it either, but says hi to all....
I'm going to bring some babies that I picked up at the beginning of the week from Sacks in Kingston, so there will be a Buff Orpington and a Rhode Is Red to trade or give away to any interested party.

The rumour of a Black Orpington piques my interest! I'm also looking for a Silver Seabright, Lakenvelder, or any other heirloom types.

Where's the northwest chickenstock held? Could I get some pullets there? When is it?
Sorry to be so stupid, this is my first day as a member. I'm in need of a buff orp or two.
I've gotten replies that indicate there will be some chicks and started birds brought in, but I don't know what all the specific breeds are....
The party is tomorrow, the 16th, starting at noon-ish in Poulsbo.
If you'd like to come, send me an email telling me where you are coming from, and I'll give you directions...
Had a great time last Saturday! Good to meet you all, and nice to know there are so many bird enthusiasts in the area.

I should have written down names/handles, because I'm going to forget which face goes with which ID. I won't forget Peaches, because I have one of her Cuckoo Maran boys now. My Leghorn roo just hates him, so the jury's out on whether this arrangement is going to work. Hopefully as I add more hens this problem will die down. In the meanwhile I'm keeping the new boy safely tucked away in a private pen with my molty white Cochin who, like Marlene Dietrich, just "wants to be left alone". Cuthbert, the new roo, is happy to sit next to her and cluck quietly and not get beat up by Balin.
Great photos! What a giant fluffy black boy!

Say, is there a plan to consolidate into one board at some point? If so, I want to know which one to post on so I don't get all entrenched and then have to move...

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