Pacific NW Chickenstock!

Neb, at this time we're keeping both byc forums.... Think of it as two rooms in the same house..
It was great meeting you!

sigh - that's what I get for not keeping up with the forumn - I MISSED CHICKENSTOCK!

Doubt I could have made it anyway since my girls were still in school and still having soccer games on the weekends - but I MISSED IT!
I was reading this and thought I'd missed out... which I did, however this was 2007.

Any takers on putting together a PNW Chickenstock for 2008?
OK, there's definitely some interest. The BIG question is WHERE to hold it.

I'm an urban chicken guy and I don't know how much fun people would have on my 1/10th acre 'farm'.

Is there anyone with (slightly) more space who'd be willing to host this event? Once a location is available, I'd be willing to help and I'm sure we can get more people to volunteer to help with the rest of the logistics.

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