PacNW starter coop


10 Years
Feb 7, 2009
Vancouver WA
This is our first coop. A retired friend made it for us out of scrap wood and supplies he collects as a woodworker. It's roughly 4 x4 feet. The wood is cedar. We put down some leftover vinyl flooring inside the coop based on suggestions here.

There is an attached run with hardware cloth all around. I use a shade cloth in the afternoon. Now that the 6 pullets are getting bigger I'm thinking we should really add a larger run, something where they can almost be free ranging but enclosed.

We plan to stain the exterior. I was given some mini-shutters to put on each side of the window. Still thinking we might paint interior. We put a padlock on to prevent neighoring kids going in or letting the chickens out.


Close up of the coop


Nest boxes. We put in pine shavings and added sand to the shavings on the floor. Our food grade DE came today so we'll add a little of that too.

Our Buff O. looking in to see what's going on.

Your neighbor did a great job. It has a simple elegance, nice clean lines, and is rustic. I like it!
I like it, too. I'm in WA too and agree with the last post, I would find a good cover for the run, it will get muddy and chickens tend to seek cover in the rain. I think you are right to increase the run size, you will have happier girls. Nice neighbor.
Really nice coop! Simple but completely functional. Is that a second screened window above the roosts? Some additional ventilation might be needed - I know it would here in my hot, humid part of the south. From what I have read here, more run space is always a good idea.
Thanks for the kind replies.

Now that we've had the coop and run a couple of weeks I can see what changes need to be made.

Yes that window is above roost and I would like to add another or a vent on the opposite side. I would like to change the door and make it a little wider too.

Yes we will cover the run when the rainy season starts. Right now we have tarps for any summer storms.

We are thinking of making a much larger run; enclosing the coop inside. Probably get some of the ranch fence posts and run heavy duty wire fencing all around and then cover top too.

The chickens seem quite comfortable inside the coop but for my own convenience I'd like it a little larger with some storage possibility. This is great to start with though and we can always expand...make a chicken village.
Well when I purchased the chicks I was told this chick was a Blue does have bluish legs but feathers are mostly white with some grey. I believe they can be white?

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