Partridge Rock Thread

No sense in keeping a mean rooster. I had a black austrolorp that was really mean, and I made up my mind that he was going in the pot. But someone that I knew wanted to buy him really bad so they could breed. I told them that he was really mean but they didn't seem to care. The last I herd he had sired about 100 chicks since Feb. Wish I still had him, he was truly stunning, but glad I got rid of him, he tore into my skin too many times.
I have learned if you intend to breed the best thing you can do is keep your roo seperate in a breeding pen,..or just not let them out to free range with the others. I have had my share of mean roosters,..and always done away with them,...sometimes to regret it later because they were good sires. If you want a pretty rooster to just look good in your yard,..then get a mild mannered type. If you want to breed them,..make arrangments to keep him locked up and be prepared to deal with him. Big sticks come in handy,..
JMO though,...
Not to but in but these are hatchery RIRs. I was lied to and these people said these chicks came from good breeder quality stock and emailed me pictures (not their birds) and these are what I got. They are funny birds to keep around though!
I have been on vacation for a week. I talked to my husband who is taking care of the chickens while I'm away, and he said some peck order rearrangement is happening. It used to be that the 4 brown leghorns were just under the top hen Max, my friendliest PR. Now one of the othe PR hens is giving the leghorns a hard peck at scratch time. I wonder if now she is taking advantage of her size. At least the leghorns never pecked anybody, they just stare them down with their golden hackle feathers up- including my PR cockerel, General Tso! I hope he stays a bit hen pecked and slightly timid, lol. That's my chicken update, the kids are now 10 weeks old, I'll post pcs when they start getting their lacing a bit more defined.

Muchos typos from my iPhone.
I've got 17 6-10 week olds, including a few from Joel Gilman.. they're looking great! I'll post pics as soon as I get back from vacation next week. Some are already showing some great feathering. Of the 17, it looks like I've got 7 cockerels. Joel's birds are super sweet, the rest are still figuring me out

And not to take away from the PR's, but I also hatched out some Silver penciled rocks about a month ago.. 12 BIG babies! They're from Adamson Acres.
Hi everyone! I am new to Partridge Rocks and to this thread! I raise Dominiques but I have one Partridge Rock roo (was supposed to be a pullet) that we bought as a "friend" for one of my Dominique chicks (a roo as well) that was rejected by its mother. The two were raised inside with us together and are now BFF's for life. They go EVERYWHERE together and are quite dependent on each other.

Anyway, I just wanted to comment on how sweet my PR is - he is definitely the sweetest chicken I've ever had. Let's me hold and cuddle him, and doesn't make a fuss when I pick him up. He also has the sweetest little cheep noises and is VERY talkative. Also, poor thing is at the very bottom of the pecking order- even the Dominique hens peck on him and attack. He doesn't fight back either. Is this pretty standard for PR's? He's about 11 weeks old I think. I'd love to get a pair of PR pullets for him....



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