Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

Sherry, I had a long discussion with the silkie judge at my last show about the gray/silver partridge. He told me silver partridge was gray and need to be entered that way. I talked about this on the silkie website because I thought they we distinctly different colors (and I still do). But, since he is "THE" judge for Texas (and some surrounding states) and judging my birds I will do as he says. Like they say, in the eyes of the beholder. and since he is the beholder in my case.... I'm bringing this up because gray is a standard accepted color while if entering them as silver partridge it is AOV. I get more points that way, so that is what I'll be doing from now on until told otherwise.

Very cute little baby, Iluvmysilkies! I love those vaulted babies!!
Yes, that whole thing is confusing to me. In the past I had thought that the Silver Partridge color that is refered to was patterned like the normal partridge and the Grey was totally different being more evenly colored and without the penciling in the wing feathers. It is too random for me lol! I think I am lazy, I want to breed a color to a color and get that color ( with variation) Not breed random colors together and have one that looks sort of like that color and call it that :) I think it is a beautiful color though that needs to be worked on by more dedicated breeders. When I look at them in pictures I think I prefer the ones that look like Silver Partridge to me… not the ones the conform more closely to the grey standard so I am obviously not one that should be working with the color lol!
I just love this sweet lil girl. She has such a sweet expression, and I love her tall top knot haha. She has a big vault under there. I cant wait to see how much she changes as she grows. She's about 7 weeks old now. :)

Oh and I was told she's probably a silver partridge, but you can see here that she still has alot of light tans throughout her body also. And her crest isent dark either. I've googled pics trying to find others like her, but I havent seen one this color yet so ive been really curious. Is there a name for this color, or would she still be considered a silver?
What a pretty colour! It looks like maybe a blue-based partridge? It's hard to tell, I've never seen one like that. My blue based partridge has lots of buff on the tip of feathers.
I don't know what color to call that little sweetie either. There are ten chicks that same age in my grow out pens that I'm waiting on to color out for identification. They all had various shades of chipmunk color as day old and each one is looking unique from the other.

There are not a lot of images out there to help with the naming of various shades and nuances of partridge coloring. I would be very curious to see what a wheaton colored silkie looked like chick through adult.
The chipmunk pattern as a chick definitely indicates partridge of some sort. I hope you find out - it's quite pretty! What were the parents?
Wheaten partridge? I've never heard of that one. Are there pics of them on google? She's definitely a unique one for sure. Ive never seen one like her either. I never had a chance to see her parents sadly but she was a light partridge with thin/lighter stripes as a baby. Here she is when I got her :)
I don't think it's recognized or anything, but Wheaton is a light tan color. Look up "blue wheaton partridge silkie" in images on Google or Yahoo. Do you think that could be it?

I crossed a BRIR hen with a recessive white silkie and got a black chick and wheaton colored chick. They are Silkie crosses of course. I've read the Rhode Island Red sometimes carry a Wheaton gene.

The chick is smooth feathered and light skinned but has five toes on each foot,and feathered shanks and toes. I would like to cross the chick back onto silkie and see if the wheaton color passes along or if the offspring will be red, white, or black. Or maybe some of each? I've never had a Wheaton silkie or in any other breed.

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