Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

I recently lost my breeder rooster in a dog attack. Thank goodness the hens are okay. He had potential to produce some descent show quality offspring, but now I'm out a rooster for this next breeding year. If anyone has an extra partridge rooster of descent quality that you are willing to sell, and are going to attend the Lucasville, OH show the first week of Oct. then please contact me, thanks.

Sorry for the loss on your rooster. I hope you find a replacement.
I recently lost my breeder rooster in a dog attack. Thank goodness the hens are okay. He had potential to produce some descent show quality offspring, but now I'm out a rooster for this next breeding year. If anyone has an extra partridge rooster of descent quality that you are willing to sell, and are going to attend the Lucasville, OH show the first week of Oct. then please contact me, thanks.

If you don't find one, I am giving a young (16 week old) cockerel away. He is a dark blue partridge. His father is was from CJ Silkies. He is a big guy with good foot feathering. I'm in Vermont but would be willing to ship. I am NPIP certified but not AI tested.

Hanging out with big sister. 10 weeks difference between them.

Love it!

would this girl be partrigde or calico? I have her with a partrigde roo. What do you all think. Here is my roo she is with.
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mThank you for the offer! He looks like a nice bird, but I really like the partridges with more gold in them. But thank you again for the offer.
If you don't find one, I am giving a young (16 week old) cockerel away. He is a dark blue partridge. His father is was from CJ Silkies. He is a big guy with good foot feathering. I'm in Vermont but would be willing to ship. I am NPIP certified but not AI tested.

I recently lost my breeder rooster in a dog attack. Thank goodness the hens are okay. He had potential to produce some descent show quality offspring, but now I'm out a rooster for this next breeding year. If anyone has an extra partridge rooster of descent quality that you are willing to sell, and are going to attend the Lucasville, OH show the first week of Oct. then please contact me, thanks.
Too bad you are so far away and I don't ship. I have 2 beautiful 4 month old blue partridge rooster chicks that need a home. Their parents both came from Catdance Silkies.

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