Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

He has nice foot feathering too. I would love to have a boy like him with my 2 buff ladies. Very pretty.
Thanks guys :love
This is one of his two buff (kinda buff, smutty though) kids. Hope we'll get more like them. I adore the colour! I've named this girl Steve Jr. :)
I am bummed today, my beautiful buff partridge turned out to be a cockerel.
I needed girls and, right now, 50% of my up-n-comings are boys. He is lovely though and a friend wants him. Was SOOOO hoping that he would be a girl. I am really watching one of my Isabel porcelain's now. Have a bad feeling that 'she' is also a he.....

Sheila :)
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Okay, so I'm thinking I have 1 girl and 1 boy! What do y'all with more silkie experience think? I haven't heard either of them crow or found any bantam eggs (though that's hardly surprising. It's like an Easter egg hunt every day around here. She could be laying in the neighbors yard for all I know.) I think they are almost exactly 6 months old.
Silkie #1 (girl?)

silke #2 (boy?)


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