PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

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What the heck?? 12 pint jars ( at least) of canning goods... when the season starts... examples of past stuff: plum jam/jelly, cherry syrup, apple butter, raspberry jam/jelly/syrup, apricot butter, I will give you your choice once we start...
Choose 4 items below (SFH eggs, BBS Orpington eggs, OE/EE/CE eggs, honey and tomato plants can be doubled up): 12+ SFH, in a couple of weeks after my current orders are sent 12+ BBS Orpington eggs, as soon as I make sure the fertility issue is fixed (may take some butt fluff trimming ) 4+ Runner Duck eggs, mixed color flock 4+ Royal Palm Turkey eggs, in a couple of weeks after my current orders are sent 8+ OE/EE/CE eggs, they will be from Blue Wheaten Amer & BCM hens covered by the OE roo is in my avatar, a Blue Wheaten Amer and a Blue Copper Maran cockerel 1lb jar of honey from our bees In 4-6 weeks - 2 grafted heirloom tomato plants - you pick variety; I have 40+ different ones to choose from. On Emperator rootstock.
$140.00 and I'll write in my siggy line for the next year how much I love you
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Please choose 1 Offer Below:

12 well Started Chicks: ages range from a few days up to 2 months old. Choose your own mix. List below to choose your mix of chicks. (72hr Heat pack will be included)

8 Silkies only a couple are Sizzle- Blue, Partridge, White, Black, Splash & off color.
1 LF White Crested Black Polish
6 Bantam Buff Brahma or Partridge Cochin (not sure which they are)
3 Mystery chicks (believe they are OE/EE mix)
5 LF BLRW Chicks

all above are a few days to 2 weeks old
5 LF Cuckoo Marans
5 LF mystery chicks

All above are 1 month - 2 months old.


6 Bars of Goats Milk Soap, 3 Bags of Powder Detergent, 3 Containers of Liquid Detergent & 3 Bottles of 8oz Lotion


6 White Call Duck Eggs, 6 Scovy Duck Eggs, 6 Silkied Serama Eggs, 12 Coturnix Quail Eggs & 12 Button Quail Eggs


Choose 12 Chicks from the breeds I have and I will hatch them out and send them. (oops forgot no peafowl)
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