PayPal/Hatching Eggs/Chicks Swap

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Mine ([email protected])


6+ white bresse eggs (1 week)


6+ Bantam Choco Orps (4 weeks)


6+ Smooth Tolbunts-please let me candle some eggs I put in bator to see how fertility is going this week!. It's hit or miss with these guys in the last few months and I can't figure it out :/ I get 90% fertility for some folks and next to nothing for other folks :( shipping and such? I dont know but butts have been trimmed and they are laying up a storm so fingers crossed!!
I have a pure roo with 2 pure hens ans 2 split (GL x pure) hens in there-they are laying everyday...

or 17$ paypal
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6+ Smooth Tolbunts-please let me candle some eggs I put in bator to see how fertility is going this week!. It's hit or miss with these guys in the last few months and I can't figure it out
I get 90% fertility for some folks and next to nothing for other folks
shipping and such? I dont know but butts have been trimmed and they are laying up a storm so fingers crossed!!
I have a pure roo with 2 pure hens ans 2 split (GL x pure) hens in there-they are laying everyday...

or 17$ paypal
Mine on post 10386

$17 Paypal this Thursday(5/23)
6 BBS Jersey Giants(1 order ahead)
6 Seremas
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