Peachicks of 2016 photos -- Let's see the babies!!!

This is my first peachick. We inherited a house which came with 3 peacocks and 1 peahen, all India Blues I think. Our peahen refused to lay all spring and summer but one day we found one of her eggs being incubated by a tiny hen, along with the eggs of quite a few different hens. We put the peahen egg in the incubator, because of the difference in hatch times, and when he finally hatched, we put him under another broody hen. He had a real problem with splayed legs for a few days and required some quite complex splinting. I didn't want him to be raised alone so couldn't put him in a brooder in one of those cardboard tubes or the hen would have rejected him when he got better. He coped admirably well and within 3 days went from unable to stand, to running around beautifully. Sadly the hen rejected him after 5 weeks (she's always a short-term mother) and he now wanders the garden 'wheeping' and sometimes wailing. He's so tame that when he gets cold he comes for cuddles. This is when he's a few days old. I'll see if I can find a picture of him now at about 7 weeks.

Looking good!

This is Peewee a couple of days ago. He gets a little lonely and cold sometimes so comes indoors to hang out in the kitchen. He's 7 weeks old now. I say 'he' but I'm not quite sure yet. Notice the lovely straight legs now :). (I'm quite proud of the success of my leg braces!!)

This is Peewee a couple of days ago. He gets a little lonely and cold sometimes so comes indoors to hang out in the kitchen. He's 7 weeks old now. I say 'he' but I'm not quite sure yet. Notice the lovely straight legs now :). (I'm quite proud of the success of my leg braces!!)

Peewee is such a cutie!

And you did a great job on his legs, really nice work. You made a big difference in the life of that little guy!
It would be fantastic if it's a girl - we inherited a flock of 3 males and 1 female so it's very imbalanced at the moment! I've been looking very closely and had thought the sides of the wings were looking a bit orange and barred but fingers crossed!

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