Peacock emergency

Honestly I would go back to the vet and ask for a better explanation. Assuming you paid a reasonable fee and are relating to us everything he told you, you deserve more than what you've received.
Honestly I would go back to the vet and ask for a better explanation. Assuming you paid a reasonable fee and are relating to us everything he told you, you deserve more than what you've received.
Hopefully though he won't charge more though. Some vets will do that unfortunately.
I don't think he would just for a phone call or email with additional questions. Schedule another appointment or take the bird back for another exam and I think there would be another charge.
I don't think he would just for a phone call or email with additional questions. Schedule another appointment or take the bird back for another exam and I think there would be another charge.
If you were to take the bird back in you would definitely get charged but not for a phone call or email.
I went to a lady who we've traded birds and other livestock and critters with in the past to pick up another male peacock. ( my old ones still alive but still) and I was explaining my other males situation to her and she said the same thing you guys did, that it sounded like a sinus infection. She said she had so far cleaned out 4 sinus infections and had all the equipment and surgical staples to clean it out etc. so I took him over there yesterday and she cut it open. There where a few little pieces of pus but not much. she said it didn't seem like a normal sinus infection. Every once in a while if she moved something in there just right a snot like substance would start pouring out of the incision. She also said there was a little bit more puss she could see directly below the eye that she couldn't dislodge without taking his eye out. Occasionally we would come out with bits of what looked like fat also. Before we stapled it shut she put pressure on the growth in his mouth and more of the thin snot would come out of the nostril. She said with other sinus infections she had seen it coming through the roof of the mouth but his was different and the vegetation on it was whiter then it normally was. She also said it bled really bad compared to other ones shed dealt with.?We discussed it being a tumor or possibly another kind of infection. She gave me some Tylan to give him because she said sometimes her turkeys would geta seasonal thing where their sinuses flared up and if it was anything like that maybe it would help. We brought that other young male we purchased from her home a few days ago and put him in our chicken coop and he was doing great. Getting along with the other peahens and chickens fine. This morning however I went out to check on him to find he had some how shattered the elbow joint in his wing and it was hanging loose. He is now laying vet wrapped and duct taped up in a cage next to the other defective peacock. Fun.
I went to a lady who we've traded birds and other livestock and critters with in the past to pick up another male peacock. ( my old ones still alive but still) and I was explaining my other males situation to her and she said the same thing you guys did, that it sounded like a sinus infection. She said she had so far cleaned out 4 sinus infections and had all the equipment and surgical staples to clean it out etc. so I took him over there yesterday and she cut it open. There where a few little pieces of pus but not much. she said it didn't seem like a normal sinus infection. Every once in a while if she moved something in there just right a snot like substance would start pouring out of the incision. She also said there was a little bit more puss she could see directly below the eye that she couldn't dislodge without taking his eye out. Occasionally we would come out with bits of what looked like fat also. Before we stapled it shut she put pressure on the growth in his mouth and more of the thin snot would come out of the nostril. She said with other sinus infections she had seen it coming through the roof of the mouth but his was different and the vegetation on it was whiter then it normally was. She also said it bled really bad compared to other ones shed dealt with.?We discussed it being a tumor or possibly another kind of infection. She gave me some Tylan to give him because she said sometimes her turkeys would geta seasonal thing where their sinuses flared up and if it was anything like that maybe it would help. We brought that other young male we purchased from her home a few days ago and put him in our chicken coop and he was doing great. Getting along with the other peahens and chickens fine. This morning however I went out to check on him to find he had some how shattered the elbow joint in his wing and it was hanging loose. He is now laying vet wrapped and duct taped up in a cage next to the other defective peacock. Fun.

Well glad one problem got solved but unfortunate another one began.
I wouldn't call it solved but at least I know I've tried every possible thing I could. I know it sounds like it but I swear I don't abuse my peacocks haha..... Just extrodinarily bad luck and maybe God telling me to pick a new hobby
I wouldn't call it solved but at least I know I've tried every possible thing I could. I know it sounds like it but I swear I don't abuse my peacocks haha..... Just extrodinarily bad luck and maybe God telling me to pick a new hobby

Not saying you're abusing your peafowl. Accidents happen, some things you can try to treat or prevent and sometimes that's not enough. You have live birds and dead birds it's a part of life.
Since we already have this thread started... Any suggestions for a broken wing with a peacock? I had vet wrap around it to hold it in place like I always do when chickens or ducks or guineas or even turkeys get broken legs or wings but apparently peacocks are a lot stronger and more psycho then any other bird because I came out to check on him and he's managed to hurt himself even more and now has a hurt ( thankfully not broken though) leg to go with the wing. I can try and use a sling to hold him up that i used last time we had a Guinea with a broken leg but I doubt it will hold him for to long. I'm really beginning to wish I'd stuck with waterfowl and goats

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