Peacock emergency

He said it appears In the back of the throat of cattle and is often mistake for thrush but it's much worse then thrush.
Important note about tubing... You must tube just fluids first, and I would start with 60ml, wait 60-90 minutes and repeat if crop has mostly cleared, then maybe one more time in 2-4 hours. This amount should have his organs and intestines working better, which will help him process food. Once hydrated like this, probably okay to tube just twice day. How much you give will depend on his size.

I messaged a friend about bird vets and she referred me to one so I drove almost two hours yesterday, the vet walked in poked the roof of his mouth with a q-tip and said it was much to firm of a growth to be any kind of abcess or infection. He said what he had was almost like a cancer, it was caused by an bacteria that comes off of the feet of livestock and cows horses and chickens can also get the bacteria but it effects them all different. He said the bulge on the side of the face was most likely a blocked duct caused by the growth. He gave me an antibiotic and said he has about a 10% chance of survival because the growth will inhibit is ability to eat and not go away probably and left. It makes sense with the growth but I only 50% believe him. Why would a growth caused by bacteria get puss all over it? Not to mention he spent 5 seconds looking at him and touched it with a q tip and left. He was only in the room for 5 minutes. So do I believe him and just give him the antibiotics and syringe feed him for a week while he dies or try getting the crap out of the side of his face and keep picking the puss off of his growth? I'm stumped and not sure who's advice to follow

Agree with everything Birdrain92 said.
Why the H didn't he remove it? If he was like the only vet around me that does birds he skipped the class where they explained how to actually fix a problem and feels very comfortable charging a couple hundred dollars just to tell you what the problem is. If he's going to die anyway you have nothing to lose and everything to gain trying to fix it. The sooner the better, he is probably in as good a shape as he's going to be until its fixed.
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Why the H didn't he remove it? If he was like the only vet around me that does birds he skipped the class where they explained how to actually fix a problem and feels very comfortable charging a couple hundred dollars just to tell you what the problem is. If he's going to die anyway you have nothing to lose and everything to gain trying to fix it. The sooner the better, he is probably in as good a shape as he's going to be until its fixed.
Unfortunately that's the way some vets work.
Thats what I was thinking, i went in assuming he would at least drain his nostril, as its so swollen the skin is bruised. But he said it was probably a blocked duct from the swelling in the roof of the mouth which was why he had snot coming out so it got me a little confused on which route to take.....

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