Can you post a recent photo of her with the dropped wings? Does she seem ok otherwise? Are her droppings normal?

If she is eggbound (has a stuck egg) it can be dangerous. It's probably a good idea to give her some calcium.

I know in some places you can buy special liquid calcium but I've used regular human calcium tablets successfully (with chickens). You can just mash it up into a treat. I don't know what you can get there but the liquid would be good if you could get it. @KsKingBee will know more about the dosage and how to check if she's eggbound. Or you could do a search on here. Here's a post about it from earlier this year, for example.

Another thing to consider would be something taking the eggs. I know you said they've been taken from outside but what about within the aviary? Are you certain nothing like a rodent or a snake could get in? If something has taken a duckling that could be a possibility. Are you getting duck eggs without issues?
Hens in lay will lay their eggs in the late evening, I collect my eggs around dark thirty so as to avoid the eggs from getting soiled or broken. If something is getting your eggs you will beat them to it by collecting shortly after the egg is laid.
Hens in lay will lay their eggs in the late evening, I collect my eggs around dark thirty so as to avoid the eggs from getting soiled or broken. If something is getting your eggs you will beat them to it by collecting shortly after the egg is laid.
Thank you, I will check each evening then : )
Can you post a recent photo of her with the dropped wings? Does she seem ok otherwise? Are her droppings normal?

If she is eggbound (has a stuck egg) it can be dangerous. It's probably a good idea to give her some calcium.

I know in some places you can buy special liquid calcium but I've used regular human calcium tablets successfully (with chickens). You can just mash it up into a treat. I don't know what you can get there but the liquid would be good if you could get it. @KsKingBee will know more about the dosage and how to check if she's eggbound. Or you could do a search on here. Here's a post about it from earlier this year, for example.

Another thing to consider would be something taking the eggs. I know you said they've been taken from outside but what about within the aviary? Are you certain nothing like a rodent or a snake could get in? If something has taken a duckling that could be a possibility. Are you getting duck eggs without issues?
Thank you for your response. The large pen that the peafowl were locked in for over a week is absolutely critter proof; the trap door (1.4m off the ground and 0.6x.05m wide opening) is again open so that they may come and go ... however, they are not moving out. I put the peacock out and he returned and is staying. I've just taken photos of Rhini and Rhaja ... it does look like Rhini's wings have dropped. Rhaja is still dancing for her, and I noticed her jump out of his way again ... she does not submit? Not sure whether these photos are helpful to tell their age and condition. Rhini's health seems normal? PS all the birds have graduated from not so safe housing to this large pen which is divided up with smaller side pens. Rhaja has plenty of room to display, and whether he displays inside or outside of the pen, I am thinking that it could be Rhini who is not submissive enough?


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