Pekin Duck Club!

They are out there at our hunting and fishing property. Other people have cabins out there, too. A couple brings their grandson out there and they feed them and they told us that their grandson calls them his ducks! Hahaha he ain't but 4 or 5. LOL! Hahaha
As long as those are tears of joy and not of loss!
And that you are sure they are getting more attention from them then they would be from you at home! They do get under you skin, and I mean that literally too!
peck, peck, peck.....
As long as those are tears of joy and not of loss! :hit And that you are sure they are getting more attention from them then they would be from you at home!  They do get under you skin, and I mean that literally too!  :lau   peck, peck, peck.....

Haha! They won't be hunted. They will be able to be able to grow in #'s of they go broody.
Hello! Does anyone have tips of how to tell if Pekins are drakes or hens? I'd like to know because if I have two drakes then that would not be good! Please someone respond! Thanks!
I found out today that drakes will get a curly tail and hens tails won't curl.
For the first question, about them being tame, I got the idea of using peas from other BYC members. Just get frozen peas and thaw them. Then just feed them to your ducks! It might take a few days or even longer but that worked to tame mine. I wouldn't just keep one, because they are flock animals and are soo much happier when they have friends! Mine won't go five minutes without each other! And about the gender and sand, I honestly have no clue! Hope this helps some!
Found out about gender today! A lady at Orschelns actually told me
She said that drakes will get a curly tail and hens will just keep a straight tail!

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