Pekin Duck Club!

Only supposed to hit 70 degrees tommorow. Ducks are not gonna be happy.

Really, Why? 70 degrees is beautiful weather. This is my favorite time of year, the animals like it too.
Question for Pekin people.
My Pekins (I think one drake, and one hen) won't go in the pond, and won't eat duck feed. I have only had them about a week now. They seem to love the kiddy pool we filled for them, but I'm worried they are not eating, or swimming.
Any input would be appreciated. Thank you!
How old are they ?? Starter chick feed is ok mine love it depending on how old they are you can give them scratch as well mine only go in the two kiddy pools we have set up. Try to feed them some fresh veggies if they are old enough
I think between 16 and 20 weeks old. We have been giving them veggies, but they seem to prefer grass and other yard stuff.
Will they ever go to pond and stay there? Ideally we would like them to swim and explore in the pond in the day time, and come into fenced in yard with a coop/shelter at night.
Good for you Pool girl for saving those sweet birds.  I am also new to duck (and chicken) raising but found this site to be absolutely amazing.  Not only for the vast amount of information but also for the support that is given.  I am absolutely no expert but we give our two Pekin's duck grower food and they love it.  We also provide grit and oyster shell now that our female is laying.  Hope this helps.  Mine do get their treats like peas and kale but only a few times a week as a special treat.  I think they are better than any antidepressant available.  LOL.  I could spend hours sitting and talking to them.  Enjoy, sounds like will have a great home now.

Thanks for your input! They are definitely better than any antidepressant lol! I need to get them more on a duck feed, but they seem to like their diet so good now, I hate to change it!
Congratulations and thank you! Welcome to the Duck Forum

Without going in depth with what you are feeding, you may well have hit upon a very good diet for them. Many of us rely on boughten feed as a basis for our ducks. Either a waterfowl food or a poultry food. Then we build on that with fresh greens, sprouts, kibble, a little bit of fruit, small live fish, mealworms, etc. I just cannot say for sure what you are feeding is complete. Then again, some folks free range their ducks and so really, who's to say what they are getting is perfectly balanced, even with a base of balanced feed from the store?

There are poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics that I like to have on hand and use especially for broodies, for molting ducks, and during times of stress.

Are they secure especially at night? There are many climbing, digging, flying predators who will - forgive me - rip the ducks apart if they can reach them, even reaching through chain link fence. So just review your security and please do not assume you don't have certain kinds of predators in your area. I declare, I think they get a memo when ducks move in.

Sounds like you are a wonderful duck person, I hope the forum is helpful to you and that you continue to keep us posted.

So happy you have ducks. Aren't they just so funny and sweet? The only other thing I thought of is that if your little girl is laying, you might want to have some egg shells or oyster shell for her to pick on at her leisure, just to be sure she's getting enough calcium. Have fun with them!
My ducks are 28 weeks old. And geese that's 30 weeks old but no eggs. What an I doing wrong ? We are 3 weeks out of winter and it seems asif they starting to molt again for the second time. Once at the start of winter and now again 3 weeks after winter . Is this normal?

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