Pekin Duck Club!

Hey my pekin drake won't eat anything apart from worms but he is drinking a lot of water and dos t seem to be very energetic any ideas on what could be wrong he didn't like to hang out with his flock either.

What else do you feed as far as grains. If you are feeding a high protien feed, lock him up and feed him nothing else. Also try serving his feed in water they like to fish for thier food. Just throw some in his water bowl.
My female pekin continues to disappear during the daytime. She vanishes early morning, then just before dusk (feeding time) she reappears making a very loud fuss and runs full speed for the waterer. She's very noisy and has ruffled feathers when she returns. Her mate spends the entire day at the bottom of the driveway waiting for her (instead of spending time with the other ducks) & seems very concerned- approaching us as soon as we come outside and being very vocal, which he normally is not. Once she returns, he will not leave her side. Anyone have any clue as to what is going on??
Hey everyone, today I went to visit my beautiful pekin ducks (well that's what I believed they were) for the first time in a few weeks. I didn't even recognise them

one of them lost the black feathers on her head, and they both have red forming around the eyes. Now I don't even know if they're ducks?!? Haha
I believe they're both females. Shouldn't they be laying eggs? they were born around March

Muscovy ducks! Haha! They were soold to you as Pekings, eh? Funny
They fly!! Unlike Pekings
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My female pekin continues to disappear during the daytime. She vanishes early morning, then just before dusk (feeding time) she reappears making a very loud fuss and runs full speed for the waterer. She's very noisy and has ruffled feathers when she returns. Her mate spends the entire day at the bottom of the driveway waiting for her (instead of spending time with the other ducks) & seems very concerned- approaching us as soon as we come outside and being very vocal, which he normally is not. Once she returns, he will not leave her side. Anyone have any clue as to what is going on??

It sounds to me like your pekin is setting a nest of eggs. That is how my muscovy and khaki hens act when they are on a nest and then take their "daily constitutional" break.
Strange how my two Jumbo Peking ducklings have different tones to their bills (beaks!) Abbey's is actually orange as it should be but Bo-Khan's if like a very light pink (pics are one post back.) I like it because I'll be able to tell them apart when their colored sexing tape falls off soon, but I do wonder how this is. Are Jumbo Pekings mixed with Aylebury's by any chance? From my past research on Aylesburies and Pekings I have never read anything saying that, specifically, they would be bred to create Jumbo Pekings or anything of the sort. I guess I'll have to look around more. Maybe Bo-Khan's beakie will change color eventually, but somehow I doubt that. Hmmm, interesting..

My Pekin pair are the same way, the girl "Daffy" has a lighter pinkish bill and my boy "Donald" has an orangy darker bill. You can also tell them apart because the drake has drake feathers.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have news. I gave my Pekins away to a farm with other ducks. The lady is super nice, and I can visit, well I guess that's goodbye. You have all been very helpful and nice. I might return sometime. :hit I will miss you guys so much
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have news. I gave my Pekins away to a farm with other ducks. The lady is super nice, and I can visit, well I guess that's goodbye. You have all been very helpful and nice. I might return sometime.
I will miss you guys so much
Awww sorry to hear BDucky but at least they are with other duckies and with a nice lady
Did you ever find out if they were both little girls like we all suspected?
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have news. I gave my Pekins away to a farm with other ducks. The lady is super nice, and I can visit, well I guess that's goodbye. You have all been very helpful and nice. I might return sometime.
I will miss you guys so much

Bducky, I don't see why you might not drop in. You do have experience with ducks.

Ok I had to check in. Yes they were both females. And I will drop in, have a new kitten that requires alot of attention. There is something I never told you that I feel the need to tell you know... I am only ten years old. This may not surprise people, but I just thought I should tell you.

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