Pekin Duck Club!

This happens on a daily basis with my sex crazy drake! I guess two females are just not enough for him. I would pen them up but I just would feel awful doing that because they have been free range their whole Life.
Jed,my young drake is also sex-crazed.. He has 3 girls and the other day I caught him waddling after one of my chicken hens. She wasn't going to let that happen, and neither was I! I have heard that a chicken can die from being mated with a drake- something about the anatomy. I waved my arms and hissed at him to let him know that she is off limits. I haven't seen him trying it again, and he seems to just go for his ladies again.
I would suggest trying that, Fuxzi- with shooing him away and hissing.. It's been a week since I've done that and had no issues- it might work for your's too! :)
Yes...this am, I watched in horror as one of my supposed to be hens trapped a chicken and tried the nasty!!!!! I was absolutely appalled! I did the hiss thing and went inside the far no further issues...but I am not home all day. I am in the process of building on to my run so that Marley (the supposed hen) and Puddles the other hen(?) to be together. Now I need to worry about the little EE's that were brooded together with the ducks...they get quite sad when they don't have the duck friends to walk in the run is all a process :)
Help, found out how to sex my Pekins......two drakes.We got them from Wilco, I will call them to see if they can help find homes. I'd you are interestedin two drakes... Let me know. Daughter is in tears, told her we will get new babies, but can't until we have homes for the drakes :(
I rescued a pekin duck and found out it was a drake. It was our first duck... so we had no idea. We kept it in the house...but it didnt want me to leave it. I called him elsa thinking it was a girl for being high pitched. Elsa is now frosty and hes the sweetest thing ever. We bought some more ducklings to raise for my grandma, and he thinks hes a baby too.he lives outside now in our chicken coop. We got this giant baby on April 17th at a week old. Originally from tsc. This year! Hes huge. He has no problems with his legs currently, but we give him a tiny bit of food a day and let him exercise. Hes my best friend so I want him to live long and happy

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Bit he would have to be seperated from the chooks :( we have two ee's that were brooded together, and they are pretty attached

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