Pekin Duck Club!

Ok need a lil advice winters right around the corner this is my first I have 2 drakes 4 ducks in a old chicken coop no electricity but have an extension cord that reaches I live in northern indiana and need advice in how to keep these guys alive through the winter as of now I lock them up at nt n they free range from morning till dark will a heat lamp be enough to keep them warm? And what about water ??can they go out in the cold?
thanks for the photo of your ducklings. Teddy does still have tiny wings with no real feathers. He's just starting to get little feathers that are starting to come down over his wings. He's pretty big though about 12 inches from chest to tail. Thanks again for helping me out!
Ok need a lil advice winters right around the corner this is my first I have 2 drakes 4 ducks in a old chicken coop no electricity but have an extension cord that reaches I live in northern indiana and need advice in how to keep these guys alive through the winter as of now I lock them up at nt n they free range from morning till dark will a heat lamp be enough to keep them warm? And what about water ??can they go out in the cold?

If you have electricity i will used heated buckets, just the small variety, here//

this allows them enough depth to dunk their heads... and they are not super hard to clean nor carry. As for heat lamps? no, i don't.. well vented, well bedded buildings is what i do.

I let the birds decide if they want out, i provide access to the barn/coop whatever and open the door.. often i shovel snow so they can get around easier.

I have had birds swimming in negative temps.. they usually are not as bothered as are. Good food, shelter is what they need to get through it.

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I have a question my ducks are a year old but there not laying eggs yet should i be worried

That is odd. A few questions.


do they access to many areas? could they be laying and you're not finding the eggs?

Predators? is it possible there is one taking them, ever seen signs of egg shells etc.

I gather they are pekin? what is the flock dynamics? how many drakes, ducks and so forth.

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Good morning! This is Teddy our first Pekin duckling. We've had him/her for a couple of weeks. Could anyone tell me how old you think he is? Is there a way to tell by looking at him if he is a he or she? I'm not going to try the vent idea...his vocal sounds are not a "honk" like a girl but he's very vocal in his own way.

We recently got three older Pekins (3 months old) for Teddy so that he can join a flock. I can tell from vocalizations that we have one drake and two females. If Teddy is a drake, will there be a show-down for the ladies?

The three older Pekins are not interested in Teddy and chase him away. They have supervised visits in our large backyard. If Teddy stays at a comfortable distance, all is well. Problem is Teddy wants to be with them. We have a main pen for the three older with a side pen for Teddy. I'm noticing now that they all sit along the fence line and stare at each other. Hopefully, they are getting used to each other and not just standing their ground.

Thanks for any advice you could offer!

very cute! yeah definitely younger since the there is mainly fluff.. i was pretty shocked how quickly mine grew.. voice is how you'll tell.. i by luck of who knows what ended up with a drake and 5 ducks! yes, that was a straight run out of the one farm supply lol

Your doing the right thing intros take time.. i fenced mine off in the main area for awhile.. i mainly have Muscovy here so mine are kinda their own sub-flock... still intro's take time and babies not hatched into the flock have to integrate. While flock pecking orders are not like chickens they do exists and harm can come to young.
I own seven pekin ducks and can't wait until my girls start laying. They are a blast to watch as they run in groups and play in the water.

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