Pekin Duck Club!

What are your Pekins favorite treats? Soleil likes swimmies (feeder fish), bananas, mealworms and peas!
Hi, new to this thread so sorry for quoting a post from page 1! I have 2 pekins, a male and female I believe (have not seen a drake feather yet, but there is a noticeable difference in size and sound). They have a 50 gallon agricultural watering tank for their "pond." I love watching them dive and zoom around! Does anyone have tips for keeping the water clean? Short of draining 50 gallons of water a week (what a waste!), I feel hopeless.

Anyways, I was wondering about whether feeder fish would be a good thing to add to their diet! Perhaps as a treat. But then, the water is so mucky that I don't know how long the fish would survive!
Here are a few snaps of my group. 2 Pekins and 5 chickens. The Pekins are always with the chickens, part of the flock.

A trip through the woods.

One of my Pekins and Red Robin shading under a tree.

Everyone snoozing under the propane tank. One of their favorite places.

My ducks are about 3 months old. They don't like to be held or touched, are actually more opposed to it than the chickens. I wonder if them being part of the flock of chickens affects their behavior? Their funny butt wiggles always make me laugh, though. I reckon they should have been handled more while they were ducklings, but I'm new to keeping birds (my fiancee had them as a child) and I will admit all the flapping of wings amongst the birds was a little intimidating. :(

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