Pekin Duck Club!

Hey all, I am brand new to this blog. I just had a pekin Hen hatch a clutch of seven and very sadly, a opossum got her:( I am very sad about it! she was such a wonderful duck! She left behind her seven babies and her mate. The babies are a little over a month old. Are they okay? I can tell her mate, My make Duckota, knows she is gone and I worry that he is lonely and stressed because of the loss. Should I get a new hen for the ducklings and him?
OMG, I am so very sorry to hear that. Ugh. Hate when it happens. Get ahold of Miss Lydia and/or Amiga or JLynnsDuckies. They are wonderful people who are super experienced.
You're always welcome Julie Bird! :)

Debs Flock, you are right! She could plan a nationwide vacation! Lol How fun it would be to meet everyone and everyone birds!
JLynnsDuckies, I would absolutely love to do that. It would honestly be an adventure of a life time. You people are so great and I love sharing our passion for these birds together.
He squished it a tiny bit but mostly it was full size when he swallowed it. I grabbed him out of the pool and made him let me look in his throat to make sure it wasn't stuck. He was so pleased with himself. Hilarious. 

So far we have not gotten any actually in the garden. This one must of come off the Hickory tree above the pool. The duck coop will be right next to the big garden. I am a little worried that if I let them roam in the garden they will eat my carrot tops.
ha-ha, your carrot tops. Amazing little omnivorous floater bird. He at least enjoys a well balanced diet of organic nutrition.
ha-ha, your carrot tops. Amazing little omnivorous floater bird. He at least enjoys a well balanced diet of organic nutrition.
I know they would eat other things too but I'm protective of my carrots because I have a hard time getting them to sprout well. These ones are the funky colored ones too so I am dying to see them! The ducks will get the tops when I pick them though! I love watching the ducklings catch bugs. So silly. I just could not believe Marshmallow was able to eat one that size already.

Today my fiances dad was here so I brought Marshmallow outside to see him. He has not seen the ducks since they were two days old. He thought we went out and bought another, older, pekin. He couldn't believe how big Marshmallow is now. Also I wanted to show him how sweet my "little" Marshmallow is. So of course Marshmallow decided that today he would make a liar out of me ;) I set him on the ground and let him do his running around and then went to get him again...he is usually cool with being approached, picked up and loved on. Nope not today, today he ran away from me shrieking in front of his Grandpa (who found it to be oh so very funny!). I finally sat down with a clover and coaxed him back to me. Lolol! What a little stinker. Then as soon as Grandpa left wouldn't you sweet Marshmallow was back!

My only regret in getting ducks is that I did not do it sooner so I could of had this amount of humor and joy in my life earlier!
JLynnsDuckies, I would absolutely love to do that. It would honestly be an adventure of a life time. You people are so great and I love sharing our passion for these birds together.
I agree! It would be an adventure of a lifetime! There are so many wonderful caring people on here that love BIRDS!!! If you ever did decide make sure Minnesota on there! :)
I know they would eat other things too but I'm protective of my carrots because I have a hard time getting them to sprout well. These ones are the funky colored ones too so I am dying to see them! The ducks will get the tops when I pick them though! I love watching the ducklings catch bugs. So silly. I just could not believe Marshmallow was able to eat one that size already.

Today my fiances dad was here so I brought Marshmallow outside to see him. He has not seen the ducks since they were two days old. He thought we went out and bought another, older, pekin. He couldn't believe how big Marshmallow is now. Also I wanted to show him how sweet my "little" Marshmallow is. So of course Marshmallow decided that today he would make a liar out of me ;) I set him on the ground and let him do his running around and then went to get him again...he is usually cool with being approached, picked up and loved on. Nope not today, today he ran away from me shrieking in front of his Grandpa (who found it to be oh so very funny!). I finally sat down with a clover and coaxed him back to me. Lolol! What a little stinker. Then as soon as Grandpa left wouldn't you sweet Marshmallow was back!

My only regret in getting ducks is that I did not do it sooner so I could of had this amount of humor and joy in my life earlier!
Awe, what a great story! Marshmallow sounds adorable and so much like a toddler. Lol, that's what they do when you have company. Especially grandparents! I would definately agree with the not having them sooner part. I feel the same way about mine. :)
OMG, I am so very sorry to hear that. Ugh. Hate when it happens. Get ahold of Miss Lydia and/or Amiga or JLynnsDuckies. They are wonderful people who are super experienced.
I'm so sorry this happened. How sad. I haven't had any kind of expirience like this as mine are just now coming into breeding age. @Miss Lydia or @Amiga would probably be able to help you with your questions and what to do... :(
Hey all, I am brand new to this blog. I just had a pekin Hen hatch a clutch of seven and very sadly, a opossum got her:( I am very sad about it! she was such a wonderful duck! She left behind her seven babies and her mate. The babies are a little over a month old. Are they okay? I can tell her mate, My make Duckota, knows she is gone and I worry that he is lonely and stressed because of the loss. Should I get a new hen for the ducklings and him?
First off so sorry your lost your duck and the mama to your ducklings. Have you been keeping the drake and ducklings together? that can work but usually it does not and sometimes ducklings can be killed or injured by a drake.
So I'd be very careful letting your drake and ducklings be together yet, Maybe by the time they are of breeding age , and yes It would probably be a good idea to get your drake another duck or 2 that would keep him from over mating just one and of course you most likely have females in your ducklings but it will be quite a while before they will be ready to mate. And drakes are all about mating this time of year.

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Miss Lydia covered it - very sad loss - please be sure to adjust the security system and protect the rest.

Introducing ducks is an art - and because every duck is unique, there is not one set way to do it - except to proceed slowly, giving everyone time to adjust. Your drake may benefit from an unbreakable mirror so he can see another duck, although it may also cause him some anxiety if he feels threatened by another drake - just see how it goes and use it if it helps him.
I know they would eat other things too but I'm protective of my carrots because I have a hard time getting them to sprout well. These ones are the funky colored ones too so I am dying to see them! The ducks will get the tops when I pick them though! I love watching the ducklings catch bugs. So silly. I just could not believe Marshmallow was able to eat one that size already.

Today my fiances dad was here so I brought Marshmallow outside to see him. He has not seen the ducks since they were two days old. He thought we went out and bought another, older, pekin. He couldn't believe how big Marshmallow is now. Also I wanted to show him how sweet my "little" Marshmallow is. So of course Marshmallow decided that today he would make a liar out of me ;) I set him on the ground and let him do his running around and then went to get him again...he is usually cool with being approached, picked up and loved on. Nope not today, today he ran away from me shrieking in front of his Grandpa (who found it to be oh so very funny!). I finally sat down with a clover and coaxed him back to me. Lolol! What a little stinker. Then as soon as Grandpa left wouldn't you sweet Marshmallow was back!

My only regret in getting ducks is that I did not do it sooner so I could of had this amount of humor and joy in my life earlier!
Marshmallow!! You are so silly. I guess you do whatever you want depending on your mood. I love it.

Are you talking about those rainbow carrots that can be purple, yellow, white and orange? That's rad. I don't grow anything but have bought them at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. They taste different from each other. Love them.

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