Pekin Duck Club!

He squished it a tiny bit but mostly it was full size when he swallowed it. I grabbed him out of the pool and made him let me look in his throat to make sure it wasn't stuck. He was so pleased with himself. Hilarious. 

So far we have not gotten any actually in the garden. This one must of come off the Hickory tree above the pool. The duck coop will be right next to the big garden. I am a little worried that if I let them roam in the garden they will eat my carrot tops.
this is what I don't get. Compared to me, he is alot smaller and can swallow something big after be squishes it a little. If I tried to swallow something I liked to eat without chewing it and it was the same size I'd choke and gag on it.
First off so sorry your lost your duck and the mama to your ducklings. Have you been keeping the drake and ducklings together? that can work but usually it does not and sometimes ducklings can be killed or injured by a drake.

 So I'd be very careful letting your drake and ducklings be together yet, Maybe by the time they are of breeding age , and yes It would probably be a good idea to get your drake another duck or 2 that would keep him from over mating just one and of course you most likely have females in your ducklings but it will be quite a while before they will be ready to mate. And drakes are all about mating this time of year.
Okay, I found someone on Craig's list who is selling some ducks so I will get him a friend. Thank you for the advice!
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Marshmallow!! You are so silly. I guess you do whatever you want depending on your mood. I love it.

Are you talking about those rainbow carrots that can be purple, yellow, white and orange? That's rad. I don't grow anything but have bought them at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. They taste different from each other. Love them.
Those are the ones! I've never had them before so I am hoping they do well. They seem to be so far. I have the mixed colored ones in the big garden and I have cosmic purple carrots in the small garden. The mixed ones came up very well but the cosmic purple one did not. I think I planted 100 and have about 30 that came up. The small garden gets dry very fast though so I think that must be why.
be sure to do introductions slowly so the new one and drake have a chance to meet through fencing. It may take him a while to take to a new duck. Let us know how it is going!
So my pekin is only 3 months old. Are they good mothers? I got her to lay eggs and produce mule ducks. Wondering how broody she'll be and if she'll be a good mom. My muscovies didn't stay with their babies long. The last one left babies at 3 weeks old. I thought that was a bit young, but I have no predators and it's hot out. Wondering if pekin will do better
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So my pekin is only 3 months old. Are they good mothers? I got her to lay eggs and produce mule ducks. Wondering how broody she'll be and if she'll be a good mom. My muscovies didn't stay with their babies long. The last one left babies at 3 weeks old. I thought that was a bit young, but I have no predators and it's hot out. Wondering if pekin will do better
They are very broody and good moms! She should do just fine

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