Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Bielefelders sure are a very special breed that will be a good member of any flock. They are so calm and never fight other chickens. Did you try to switch the roos between Rhodefelder pen and Bielefelder pen to see what happens?

I forgot that you even have a facebook page, which is not list here or on your website. I don't know how people find it.
Yeah, I forget I have an FB page too. I made it when I had a surplus of chicks and was fearful I couldn't find homes for them all. Then when things got busy I forgot about it.
I really dislike FB and am only there to makes some sales. I like hanging out here, it seems safe, but I have an inherent distrust of FB.
Welcome! I'm sure you're loving on them, you'll be fine, just keep an eye our for anyone looking kind of sleepy or tired looking, not eating/drinking, etc :) every once in a while you lose one though, unfortunately it happens. Just try to remember you did everything you could, and that it's not your fault. We're here to help if you need us!
Welcome!! Berks county here

I do have one that is a little lethargic at times. When everyone else is eating or drinking she's over in the corner swaying back and forth and looks like she's sleeping standing up. I honestly can't tell if she's eating or drinking because of how many there are. She's also the littlest of all of them. Is there anything I can do for her?
I do have one that is a little lethargic at times. When everyone else is eating or drinking she's over in the corner swaying back and forth and looks like she's sleeping standing up. I honestly can't tell if she's eating or drinking because of how many there are. She's also the littlest of all of them. Is there anything I can do for her?

Put her in a smaller brooder box with a couple friends and watch her. Dip her beak in water and see if she drinks and watch her to see if she if she eats. If you don't think she's eating or drinking put electrolytes and ACV in the water, you can also add water to the feed to make a mash that should be easier for her to eat. If she's still not eating add a pinch of cayenne pepper powder to the feed, it increases their appetites.

Keep us updated and good luck. :)
I do have one that is a little lethargic at times. When everyone else is eating or drinking she's over in the corner swaying back and forth and looks like she's sleeping standing up. I honestly can't tell if she's eating or drinking because of how many there are. She's also the littlest of all of them. Is there anything I can do for her?

Get an old towel, spread it on floor or surface near brooder, scramble an egg and mash it up fine, mix it with a little peep feed and put it on a small plate or dish....
Mix some vitamins with a half cup of water, add a teaspoon of brown sugar and place it in a small dish, keep a spoon handy.
Place the food and water on the towel, get out the sleepy chick and one other which is smaller but normally active and place them on the towel, tap the edge of the food dish with your fingernail while softly calling "chook, chook, chook", the active chick will probably come to check what the 'funny looking broody ' is telling them is good, hopefully the sleepy one will follow.
If the normal chick eats but the other doesn't you can get a spoonful of the water and dip the sleepy one's beak into it to try to get it to drink. They can be stubborn but normally have an instinctive swallowing reaction if their beak gets wet. If you can get a couple of cc's of supplemented water into it then let it rest, it may then do fine on it's own.
If a chick refuses to drink you have limited options...keep it somewhere you can observe it to confirm it isn't eating or drinking, if you are positive it isn't then you would have to provide it fluid through either injection or tube feeding...those are extreme measures, but learning how to do it may be needed if you want to go to extreme measures to save a chick...some folks opt to not use that intensive of therapy, it is a personal decision.
o and I am going to be getting some porcelain silkies so when u go and get ur blue laced red wyandottes as that's one of the options I was going to go for for breeding but I fell for the silkies and then the blue laced red Wyandotte to the black copper Maran to serams to black jersey Giants and back to the Silkie so I was wondering if u could pick them up is ur route close to meadville

Looks like Meadville is up near Erie... totally out of the way :(
I'm loving everybody's pictures!

I got a shipment of 45 chicks this weekend, but the PO lost them for a while day. 14 have died :( so I canceled my future turkey order. On the brightish side I guess this means I can pick up chicks locally instead.

Last night I tried to bring in the poults from @dheltzel. They've bonded with my silkies and decided that they would not stop screaming until I put them back outside with their friends. I wonder how things will play out once the turkeys get bigger!
Breast me to it lol. I got some birds from her before and they were beautiful. Unfortunately, they were with my very first group of chicks and my dogs made sure that we never get to see them grow up
. She has a website too. It's Nittany Wyandottes.

Thank you (and @Roada Red ) I could easily make a trip home via I-80 instead of the turnpike sometime and swing by there. FB says they are in Bellefonte
well, Laverne is hatching on the coldest day of spring we've had so far, go figure.
She decided to brood in the bottom level of what we call the condo. I put a screen in front of the access this morning after I scooted 3 'midwife hens' out so she could have some privacy.
A picture of the condo. It's just a 4x4 shed which we split into 2 levels. It is attached to our main run about 20 ft from the corner of the coop. The birds use it as a daytime hangout and Laverne is the 4th hen to choose it as a brooding spot. (1 upstairs, 3 downstairs)



We began hearing cheeping and saw her 'talking' to the eggs early this morning, we set her late Tuesday night 3 weeks ago so I knew she was due...
I just went out and checked her, pulled some empty shells out from under her and felt 3 or 4 dry fluffy chicks and one still wet. Didn't lift her to see since it is just now getting to 30*F up here on the chick must have hatched early this morning though, it came out to see what all the ruckus was about.


So, we walked into tractor supply today to look around and walked out 7 chicks heavier lol. All they had left were 7, 1 week old meaties that were marked down to $1 each. We never did the narri's thing but figured we'd give them a try. They're in with my 2 week old turkey poults and my lavender ameraucana chicks. They're so big compared to the others and so chunky!

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