Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Gorgeous. What a score! We got 'duck eggs' once at a swap, a dozen for $3, put em all in the bator and 28 days later we had 5 beautiful ducks. Left the bator running with the 7 that were left (just cause I was kinda busy) and a week later...5 muscovies! LOL. Great hatch and the Muscovies were as cute as ever. I sold them all as 'we don't do ducks' here. But every time I see call ducks, I sway....just a teensy bit closer to the 'dark side'.
Welcome Stacie! And agree!! This is a great group.

I wasn't expecting ducks either but my cousins other duck got killed and the other was left all by itself so I went and got a hen for him and that is just like chicken math I wanted more. So I picked my favorite breed and went and got the three muscovys now I got to get the incubator ready for spring. I sell my mixed breed hatching duck eggs for 15 dollars a dozen.
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Wow, that's a great deal. I've never had Muscovies, I look forward to hearing about your experiences with them.

Thanks sorry I knew I told someone I was going to get pictures I have someone else wanting pictures also so I will get them here in a bit. The more white hen they couldn't catch so I got another hen about the same color as the mostly black hen.

That blue is so puuuuurrrrdy!!!!  GO YOU!!! great score! Hope all works out with them!

Hi Stacie, North Berks Here :frow   what breeds are you keeping?

that is a bummer Jess, I am sorry, but they are seriously cute anyways!

:frow   I dont believe we ummmm MET if thats the word to use:lau    and please be careful with aggressive roosters, a rooster doesnt have to be human aggressive to protect the rest.  I have seen so many images from friends on here that got it bad by aggressive beasts.   They are quickly made into soup here at this point. 

Thanks he is more blue in person the hen that looks like him but black and white they couldn't catch so I got another hen that looks like the pure black one with the white on it's Chest

The drake is like a black grey on his chest and his back is the blue color they had a pure blue drake but sadly he wasnt forsale. They are relaxing by the water i let everyone else that was in the pen out so they could clean offf and take a dip. There is water constanly coming into the pond so i wasnt worryied to much about the spread of disease i know its risky but they needed cleaned
Quote: I see, I hope you get some nice ones growing out quick enough then!!

Quote: Mine is doing much of my work right now, thank God. Although I doubt he could ever be as thorough as I. he thinks oh theres an inch of water thats enough for another day ugh Like DOH how would you like to not have water or something to drink. Working on that though I just have to keep checking and making notes on his list!

Quote: they are so much more flighty cautious than the reg pheasants, thats why four got out on me already!! so frustrating, I need proper housing and buried wire I guess. That guy said 75 a pair now not that its bad.
Aurora! Stackable brooder? Sweet.

I just put my Doe, 'Diva' 1st picture on left, in with our Buck 'Flash' 2nd picture.

Looking forward to some beautiful kids at the end of June! I hope she settles.

I so hope I get kids coming thereafter sometime
cant wait to see yours and I pray follow along with the kidding!!
Hi! I like every bird to be different so a have an Easter Egger (Delaware/Ameraucauna mix that lays light olive eggs), Barred Rock, RRR, Production Red, and a tiny bantam that no one seems to know what she is, but she is beautiful and an incredible mama! I also have six roosters! A few photos for all:

My with some of my birds:

My original coop! (before the addition of two rooster suites (8x4 runs each with its own coop) on this side.

Some of the flock in the front yard.

My Lucy Lou, power layer!


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