People Who Love Pie


9 Years
Mar 6, 2010
Where I live.
Hi! I was just wondering who liked pie and what is your favorite recipes? I love apple pie!
P.S. If you have your recipes handy, Could you post them? Thank you!!
I don't love pie but for some reason around town I'm known as the "Emergency Pie Faerie". People call me when they're super super upset or having a problem (I decide if it's worthy) and I bring over an emergency pie and we chat.

The current favourite is my cheddar-cheese crusted apple-filled pie. Just use a basic shortcrust all-butter recipe and add 1/4c chedder cheese to it before baking over your favourite pie mixture. It's insanely delicious with apple.

My favourite apple filling has rum and sultanas in it. Soak the sultanas in the rum for an hour first. Amazing!
I love eating pies and making pies but I struggle with making the crust. I am very particular about wanting a flaky crust and can't quite achieve it.

Oh crust is where I am AT! What you must have is an all-butter shortcrust or pate brisee. No frills or other fats. Nothing else works as well, in my mind!

Here's the base of all my pies, I just change the stuff (whole wheat? cheese? Herbs?) within this crust:

The salt/sugar are even optional for me depending on my use.

But my husband looooves this crust so much I've caught him rolling out my pre-made frozen stuff (I do bulk) and baking it up with raw sugar so he can eat it by itself!!

Edit: I should mention the trick is also application. Don't overwork the dough and try to work it all in the same direction to create streaks of butter in the crust. And keep it as cold as possible before baking, maybe even chilling for half an hour beforehand. All makes it super flakey!!
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