People Who Love Pie

This thread is inspiring:

I love pie. Would rather make a pie then any other dessert. I use my grandmothers pie crust recipe, which makes 5 and freeze them in discs until I want a pie. Just got a 6 inch glass pan so I don't have to make a big one for my husband and I. There is not a pie that I do not like. Would be hard to pick my fav.
I love pie, but can only eat a home made crust. Never eat the ones in a cafe or resturant the crusts just taste bad to me.
My favorite pie is the Sour Cream Apple with the crumble topping.
My pie crust recipe will make 3 single pie crusts.
There is a pie auction for our local senior center and I set a record by bringing in 7 pies one year.
Going to try topping it this next year.

A friend of ours bought my last pie for $100. Was not the highest priced one for that sale, but they loved it.
mmmm... pie.
i like apple, blueberry, blueberry/cherry, blueberry/peach, and maple/pumpkin among others. for fruit pies i don't use a recipe and the maple/pumpkin recipe is lost right now but i ALWAYS use Martha Stewart's Pate Brisee (Pie Crust) recipe for all my crusts:
it says to use a food processor but i prefer to use my hands or one of these dough/pastry blenders cuz there's less chance of me overmixing the dough

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