people with house chickens

thanks, iluvchks for the advice......i think i'll give it 1 or 2 more weeks and then, no more Sweet Pea in the daycare. if i wait a couple weeks, Sweet Pea will be old enough to join her LF buddies outside during the morning hours (it's very warm the 80's or upper 70's). right now, she's just too darn small for me to feel comfy about being out there for 5 hours straight. and i will find out in a few days whether she's a pullet or roo (i sent her egg shell in for DNA sexing). i have a FEELING she's a pullet, but i'm sure that's just wishful thinking. stupid rules infuriate me!
oh, i meant to post about this....Feathermommy, i LOVE the idea u have for the diapers! i bet they're VERY comfy for the birds! and they seem so easy to make! Sweet Pea is only a week old, but when she gets older, i would love to try this idea out. i have already ordered a diaper from MPC (which was expensive! but i wanted to use it as a pattern to make more) i'll try that diaper since i already bought it, but i'm gonna guess that Sweet Pea will probably like the t-shirt diapers better. question though, can u also use fleece? fleece doesn't fray either. is t-shirt material just like fleece except thinner? (as far as not fraying or stretching into weird shapes that u don't want). your chickens are adorable btw!!!
I think anti-poultry regulations were passed in the 50s and 60s with the big push to move to suburbs. Most of the ordinances seem to be geared to raising property values. Chickens=rural in many of these city councils mind. If it starts to look too rural, people may stop buying houses in the area.
You said it so well. We cannot afford to move so we are doing the best we can. I really appreciate all of the support. I have to say its coming from unexpected places. Those who I truely thought would be more supportive have sort of fallen away. I think people either don't want to hear the truth, or don't want to get involved. Either way it is sad.

But as I said, Thank you for understanding that I truelly am not a lunatic. Just a citizen that is fed up with what the government is feeding us. In more ways than one.
Most of the laws written around here are from the roaring 20's. The wave of the future was factory farms, and suburbs. In the 30's and 40's everyone had a victory garden and backyard chickens. No one got into trouble. In the 50's and 60's laws started being enforced. But since the sustainable living movement of the late 1960's backyard chickens have been on the rise again. Of course the sexual revolution of the 70's didn't help our cause much. People were just to "busy". But now since everyone is going green backyard flocks are on the rise again.

We need to organize as a nation. If we can get people to understand the need for recycling, why cant people understand that factory farms are bad. If we stop buying crap and start demanding organic, free range meat, farmers will listen. If the farmer is making no money the government is losing money. Everyone needs to buy local produce and meat. boycot your grocer. Write letters to your Twp Supervisor, St Representive, senator, congressman, and governor. We should write to the president FFS Michelle Obama had a Victory Garden planted and Bee Hives erected on the White House Lawn. The obvious next step for her is chickens.
yeah, i know ur suppose to work through a chain of command....but sometimes i you HAVE to go through a chain of command? sometimes i feel like going right to the top! i feel like it could be a big headache and waste of time to fiddle around with the "little guys"....i could be wrong, i've never actually tried to change a law....but i DO know there was a lady in a town only about 10 minutes from my town that took all the right steps and did all this work to try to get the chicken law changed, and she lost. that would stress me out and infuriate me. i wonder if i just wrote my state governor if that would be better?
my father-in-law was telling me that ur allowed to have a pot-bellied pig in his town, but no chickens! he lives in that same town where the lady tried to change the chicken law. it just makes no sense. if i EVER get caught, i DO have a spare room that is not in use, THAT will be my chicken coop, no lie! and i will take the girls out every day to get fresh air and sunshine sometime in the afternoon after i get off work. i would figure after 5pm, all egg songs will be over and they can just enjoy the evening in their portable run outside (remember, i have a privacy fence). of course all of that would be worse case senario.
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Well I've never had grown chickens living in the house.Sure have raised a lot of chicks in house and my OEGB's free ranged in the basement for over 2 months this past winter.Had my rabbits down there last winter before baaaaa.I have had chicken's come in before.I had a silverduckwing that preyed on my dining room window and she would come in and strut on the table lol.Good thing We didn't really use the table.I would leave the window screen up some for my cat Moon.I don't think I would have time for chicken diaper's right now as grandson 20 months still in diapers
. Nothing wrong with it if you enjoy them and the upkeep. With the 2 dog's the cat, the parrot and the grandbaby I think mine will be staying outside for now.I had a brooder in comp. room with 3 chicks for a couple days here last week.Baby fed them waffles, chips and put in some plastic letter magnets.They are in basement now lol.
Thanks! And yes, I do believe fleece would work as well
Thats a really good idea. I am going to have to try that. They make really cute fleece fabrics. I had a diaper on a smaller chick and I find it is easier to do it when they are a little other. My poor baby chick was flopping all over the place. Acted like it was to heavy but it was an extremely light diaper. idk lol Be sure to post pictures of your chick in it's diaper!! hehe
FeatherMommy, thank you so much for your pattern. I was going to try and make one tonight for Chickpea. I'll let ya'll know how it turns out
I took her out in the "back yard" today while I was working on my rabbit hutch, far away from the prying eyes of my rude neighbor...
She loved it! I wish I had the camera out with me and I wish we could have stayed out longer, I felt so bad for the poor thing cheeping while being herded around the potted plants and back into the house. iluvcks, thank you for that advice about the litter box with dirt worms and feed, i haven't tried it yet. Unfortunately for Chickpea I am not a fan of worms and afraid to be anywhere near them for fear of it touching me. My husband has a composting bin and some worms got out one night and onto the kitchen floor.. I freaked out and was afraid i would step on one with my bare foot and slip and fall and hit my head on the counter.. I know, I know. Very dramatic. But one of these days I'll get the nerve up and she will have her worms!! Anyways, enough about me more about my "gross, diseased chicken"

I was checking the forum earlier and she had decided to join me in doing so


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