people with house chickens

Chickpea is beautiful.

I HATE worms too. Have a huge fear of them. I use gloves to pick them up. Can't do it with bare hands. LOL

DH is willing for me to keep four in the basement, and Tilly and Gabby up with us. (if it comes to that)

From what I understand this could go either way. Hopefully now that the roosters are gone it will all just go away. Then we can concentrate on changing the law instead of being so focused on saving our girls. Of course both issues are hand in hand.
i love chickpea! how cute! i have a house chicken named Sweet Pea and she's only 8 days old, she's on my lap right now. i went to petsmart and bought a front pack to carry her in (meant for small dogs). i also bought a carrier (soft, like a purse) and u can unzip certain parts so that when ur chicken is older, she can stick her head out. hey, if u can use it for dogs, why not a house chicken?
I love it when they chill on computer monitors and look what you are doing. To cute!!! Hope the diaper turns out well. I went and got some fabric today to make some better looking diapers. Will do them tonight. We will have to swap pictures!!
You girls are so funny.

Weeks ago I had 8 9 week old silkies. Two baby ducklings, and 9 chicks. all in the house all at the same time. I felt I wasent spending enough time with each so I made a baby sling out of a towel. Turn turns carrying around various babies.

We are more alike than anyone likes to admit. LOL
oh yes! i thought of doing that when Sweet Pea just kept peeping, and peeping, and peeping.....well, she didn't actually peep THAT long cuz i would always go running to pick her up! but now, with the dog carrier, she is with me when i'm making pancakes (or whatever)....and she's safe in there, can't jump out.....she doesn't even WANT to jump out. she loves her front pack. she sleeps, preens, and looks up at her mommy while she's in there. well, i better go, it's time to take Sweet Pea outside to visit her 4 LF friends. i really feel like i COULD tell people she was an asian parrot (when she grows up...since she's a silkie) and maybe they would believe me? after all, i bet asian parrots would be "socially accepted" and "disease free"!!!
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Thanks, guys. I really do love her a lot, even if she is diseased
That is too funny with the front pack, I am now tempted to go out and get one for us! Let's see how my husband takes that when he gets home. Glad to see the mood in here is turning around
what breed is Chick Pea? and do u know if she's male or female? in a couple days i'll let you know what sex Sweet Pea is. my hubby thought i was nuts, but i just HAD to send in her egg shell for testing. i MUST know what sex she is! silkies take FOREVER-in-a-day to tell what sex they are. i just got back inside from Sweet Pea's visit with her friends. Sweet Pea pooped on me out there! AND my BO and my white EE LOVE to be on my head! i let them....cuz i love them....hoping they don't poop on me!
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she's a white leghorn. my husband questioned me not only on bringing her home, but that if i am going to get chicken why didn't i get a fancy one? i think she's awesome just the same, fancy or not. i had gotten two from the hatchery, and the other one started getting beefy and she wasn't and then wilamina's comb started to grow bigger, and "she" had the giant man chicken legs. i called the hatchery with my concerns and they said "oh, but our sexing is 97% accurate"....
well, i took them to a farm across the island and had the lady there take a look at them and confirmed that wilamina was a william
but that chickpea is still a girl
so william stayed back on the farm
i felt so lame i cried most of the way home. but at least i know and i'm not still sitting around playing the waiting game. I was going to try and see if i can visit william and see how he's doing next week, and also buy some new composting worms for my husband from the farm. gross... sweat pea is such a cute name
I hope you get the results your hoping for for him/her
I was just wondering just how much was DNA testing on the egg? And why did you still have it around. Was it part of her baby book? OMG what a great idea. Baby books for pets. Starting with inside chickens. Someone write this down. Such a good idea.

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