people with house chickens

Neighbors' dogs are the WORST. I don't understand why MY FAMILY should have to buy an electric fence to keep THEIR dogs out of in our coop in MY YARD. Since our neighbors found out that someone in my family was scared of dogs, they let them run into our yard even more. We can't let our chickens out of their run unless we stay within 10 ft of them at all times and only in certain areas of the yard to keep them away from the dogs. :(
That's when you buy a BB gun and pop their azzes! If you are in an area where there are leash laws? Then get the rulings on it and send it to your neighbor. If they don't comply with it? You have the right to shoot the dogs and dispose of them.

I've had the dog problem in the past. And you bet I did all the above. EXCEPT kill a dog! The owners penned them up when they found out we could and would do just that. It costs us a LOT of money to start from chick to egg laying age. And then of course there are our emotions involved with them too. Don't hesitate to do your research! By all means call the police if it turns ugly.

We also bought a Great Pry to watch over our flock! HE didn't allow any drifters or predators to enter his domain! They are great with chickens and ducks too!

Neighbors' dogs are the WORST. I don't understand why MY FAMILY should have to buy an electric fence to keep THEIR dogs out of in our coop in MY YARD. Since our neighbors found out that someone in my family was scared of dogs, they let them run into our yard even more. We can't let our chickens out of their run unless we stay within 10 ft of them at all times and only in certain areas of the yard to keep them away from the dogs. :(

I hear ya! Everyone SHOULD be responsible for whatever type pet they own. For those not so responsible about dog ownership a good zap of electric fencing will get the message across to the dogs if not the irresponsible neighbor! If it's in your yard and you have a posted warning, what have they to complain about? Check the laws in your community to be certain. Just as dog owners should spend the money to keep their dogs in, we have to spend the money to keep our flock protected. Goes both ways IMHO.
That's when you buy a BB gun and pop their azzes! If you are in an area where there are leash laws? Then get the rulings on it and send it to your neighbor. If they don't comply with it? You have the right to shoot the dogs and dispose of them.

I've had the dog problem in the past. And you bet I did all the above. EXCEPT kill a dog! The owners penned them up when they found out we could and would do just that. It costs us a LOT of money to start from chick to egg laying age. And then of course there are our emotions involved with them too. Don't hesitate to do your research! By all means call the police if it turns ugly.

We also bought a Great Pry to watch over our flock! HE didn't allow any drifters or predators to enter his domain! They are great with chickens and ducks too!


LOVE those big dogs. Ovcharkas, Macedonians, Pyrennes, etc. Wish my yard wasn't so small I'd get a watchdog but need the space for foraging hens. We opted for chicken poop instead of dog poop. After having 3 Rottweilers over the years I can't manage the huge pups anymore!
So unbelievably happy to announce... that I have chickies again!!! Meet Elsie (white) and Allie (Partridge). They're 10-12 weeks old and have made me the happiest I've been in a long time :) Their enclosure is currently being made for me (the birdies arrived a little sooner than expected) so they're free ranging it with access to the carrier for now. Found out they love strawberries!

So unbelievably happy to announce... that I have chickies again!!! Meet Elsie (white) and Allie (Partridge). They're 10-12 weeks old and have made me the happiest I've been in a long time :) Their enclosure is currently being made for me (the birdies arrived a little sooner than expected) so they're free ranging it with access to the carrier for now. Found out they love strawberries!

That is the darkest Partridge Silkie I've ever seen. She almost looks like my Black. Cute girls!

However did you get them to like strawberries? Mine only like cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes. Sometimes they'll peck at an apple but only half-hearted. Bananas are ignored. I have different smaller breeds and they all favour something different in fruit but they ALL like cucumbers!
So unbelievably happy to announce... that I have chickies again!!! Meet Elsie (white) and Allie (Partridge). They're 10-12 weeks old and have made me the happiest I've been in a long time :) Their enclosure is currently being made for me (the birdies arrived a little sooner than expected) so they're free ranging it with access to the carrier for now. Found out they love strawberries!

That is awesome!! Congratulations on the new chickens!!
She's a bit lighter in person but still quite a dark brown!
The person I bought them from told me beforehand that they love strawberries. I tried cutting little tiny pieces off for them and they ate them off the tip of my finger with enthusiasm :)

I've had chickens refuse strawberries before though, I question if it has to do wIth red being a warning colour?
but thanks guys! :)

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