people with house chickens

This was then

And this is now, where is Dottie
How old are the babies now?
Hi, they are 4 weeks old now. Dottie is a Mothers Mother. These chicks are so sweet and well behaved. AND she has not lost her mind. There are two
About two thirds her size.
I don't have a Godzilla toy sadly. That needs to change, since I'm getting more and more in to the kaiju stuff, and with the new (AMAZING) movie out there should be some nice ones coming out! For now, here she is at 11 days old excitedly pecking the nonsense out of fighting a toy monitor lizard.

That is hilarious!
Chrissy! Every day is a weekend for me!
But yes I had a nice one!
I have to turn in my mileage on my car every year to my auto insurance company in order to get my low mileage discount! They don't believe me when I say I don't drive anywhere! LOL There is a walmart about 3 miles one way and another 10 miles the other direction. I may not leave my house but once a week too. If even that much!

When I do run into former fellow soldiers, they always ask me what am I doing these days! I tell them I'm sitting at home playing chicken momma! They've told me many a time when they die they are coming back to my house reincarnated as a chicken, because I treat my chickens way too good! I've asked them to please not do that to me! LOL

Chrissy! Every day is a weekend for me! :celebrate But yes I had a nice one!
I have to turn in my mileage on my car every year to my auto insurance company in order to get my low mileage discount! They don't believe me when I say I don't drive anywhere! LOL There is a walmart about 3 miles one way and another 10 miles the other direction. I may not leave my house but once a week too. If even that much!

When I do run into former fellow soldiers, they always ask me what am I doing these days! I tell them I'm sitting at home playing chicken momma! They've told me many a time when they die they are coming back to my house reincarnated as a chicken, because I treat my chickens way too good! I've asked them to please not do that to me! LOL


That is too funny!! I'm sure you love being home with them. I find it hard to leave sometimes. Do you have a lot of chickens?
Meet Pancake, my new house chicken. Was told she was about two months old, love her to pieces and she hardly bats an eye at anything. She'll be sleeping inside and spending time outside once I get everything set up.


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