people with house chickens

Meet Pancake, my new house chicken. Was told she was about two months old, love her to pieces and she hardly bats an eye at anything. She'll be sleeping inside and spending time outside once I get everything set up.
She is so cute
Wow! With that many animals, you've gotta live on a farm.

I have two budgies, five chickens, two dogs. 2 children and husband:)


Buff Orpington
silver wyandotte
and two I have yet to get identified.
Time will tell if all are pullets, like they should be but...
I know for sure the buff Orpington is a pullet
I think I have a roo on the silver wyandotte but I'm gonna have to take pics and have ya'll to identify them

Right now, I have a red chicken that I am not sure what kind she is. She is staying inside my son's room because of the new Buff Orpington.
She doesn't like the Buff Orpington but all the other chicks are fine with her. I dont know what else to do and I am not sure why she wants to pick on her.
My guess is she wants to prove dominance over the flock.
LOVE those big dogs. Ovcharkas, Macedonians, Pyrennes, etc. Wish my yard wasn't so small I'd get a watchdog but need the space for foraging hens. We opted for chicken poop instead of dog poop. After having 3 Rottweilers over the years I can't manage the huge pups anymore!
Heres pics of my wonderful Pyrennes! He's been gone now for about two years! These were taken where I used to live! My grand daughter loved him. She'd ride on his back while I held her arm!

That is too funny!! I'm sure you love being home with them. I find it hard to leave sometimes. Do you have a lot of chickens?
That is a yes and no on loving being home with them! LOL They wear me out! They are very demanding! And of course I cater to them! There's times though I have to shut them up in their bedroom and let them squawk! Momma has things to get done around the house and needs HER time too!

As of now I only have the six! Three large and three silkies! My Moran hen, Martha Mae has a cage right behind my computer chair! She's the one that gets let out and in more than any of them. We are talking about the early AM hours here! She knows there's bugs outside underneath the lights. She'll go outside, scarf them up and then knock on the door with her beak when she wants back in! She'll sasha over to her cage and then I tell her to jump! She'll jump up into it and then make a lot of obnoxius noises!


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Nothing better than having my two fluffy butts cuddled up together on me
I'm absolutely in love with these cuties!

They have their eyes trained on your dog though! Cute pic! We see this kind of thing around here 24/7! LOL People that haven't tried this yet, are missing out! Aren't they?

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