Permethrin spray


Northern fowl mites and lice

1-4 fl. oz. to 33⁄4 gallons water (treats 375 birds), 0.08-0.33% AI. High pressure spray.

1 gallon of coarse spray per 100 birds, paying particular attention to vent area.
Permethrin, at the right concentration, is safe for dogs. Unless a specific product has 'dogs' on the label, don't use it for dogs! At least here in the USA, each product must be labeled for each species it's tested for, and with specific instructions for it's use for that species.
Remember that permethrin is not a good product for cats, and some cats react badly to levels of permethrin that are supposedly safe for them. Mary
I should have kept reading look at page 16:

@KikisGirls I stand corrected! thanks for finding this info!


Original Post #222 & #233
I'm quite sure it's chicken mites, plan on putting some in a jar to take to the Dept of Ag on Monday. Bought some Sevin 5 to dust the girls with next week, thinking of sprinkling in the DLM also, good or bad idea? Still found some crawling up my black rubber boots this afternoon after entering, so now I keep a can of Raid outside the door to spray the boots when I exit. I looked up pictures of mites (yuck), the ones I'm finding are "straw" colored & thankfully haven't discovered any nastiness on the girls but they must have it, right?

When reasearching the internet about mites, some paint Neem Oil in their coop/nest. So I decided to spray a mist along the frame work of my enclosure & the shavings. When I exited late this evening I didn't get much on my boots :) just a couple. Tomorrow is another day.... Next week Thurs can't some soon enough so I can respray with Permethrin.
has there been a lot of rain lately?
I also want to add that we've just learned that we have bugs in a grainery of grain. We can't obtain or apply the chemical required to fumigate the bin unless we have a license. We can hire a licensed company to do it. We used to be able to do this ourselves.

But we found out we can take a coarse to obtain a license to use the product that treats the grain. Perhaps this is something that can be done in the cases where the product requires licensing to use.

*(On a side note we were told we can also use DE to treat the!)
abuse of the treatment caused the the need for license. such as people going to a doctor for antibiotics for a common cold. eventually emunenity evolves from parasites thru generations. don't use certain chems unless you are out of bullets.
Aueromycin is an excelent example of a regegulated product. Pig farmers abused it for weight gain.
abuse of the treatment caused the the need for license. such as people going to a doctor for antibiotics for a common cold. eventually emunenity evolves from parasites thru generations. don't use certain chems unless you are out of bullets.
Aueromycin is an excelent example of a regegulated product. Pig farmers abused it for weight gain.
I think they have different rules up in Canada.

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