pet hobbies


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 21, 2012
I haven't posted anything on here in a while, but I figured it could be fun to start a thread about keeping exotic animals as a hobby (I know, nothing to do with chickens). To kick it off I'll say that I keep a lot of animals around, some of which actually help with the chickens. The first of these is my hedgehog Louis. Louis is the faithful guardian of my feed bin. He seems to have a personal vendetta against bugs, and I think he kills them just for fun. Some other pets I have are my two crested geckos, who eat all the crickets I catch
, and my dog, who keeps predators out at night. I also have a vermipost, which isn't really a pet, but does miracles for my basil. I would love to hear about any interesting pets other people might have and how they put them to work.

also, sorry if this isn't the right section for this. I wasn't sure, so feel free to move this thread somewhere else.

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