
Mithious. I should say also that I have let them out of their run for a few minutes to let them wander. They know where their home is and will run back to it. I take my long stick and sort of herd them back. They so far go back to where they are supposed to go.

Or you can coax them along with a treat.
Mithious. I should say also that I have let them out of their run for a few minutes to let them wander. They know where their home is and will run back to it. I take my long stick and sort of herd them back. They so far go back to where they are supposed to go.

Or you can coax them along with a treat.
OH thank you Sharon! I do have a long "walking" stick I made, back a couple years ago...GREAT way and idea, to herd them back into their coop!!! They DO love their treats and I started them with treats, a few days before I moved them to their get them used to me yelling "chicken" then providing a treat...something I read on this forum!!! I have learned sooo much!!!

I was wondering what I would do if they didn't go back in their coop, when I get this rigged up "run" set up. Luggin 15 chicks, that are getting a bit heavy, back to their coop, would be difficult for me! They might be "spring" chickens, but I'm not any more lol!

When I go to town tomorrow to get the netting, I will pick up some meal worms too ( it will be their first worms, so should work well )...just incase I need to coax them back in!!! Great ideas, thanks soo very much. I really appreciate all the ideas and suggestions and will put them all to good use!!!
Hey y'all!! I was just wondering what type of treats chicks like? I heard meal worms can be good? I tried scrambled eggs :)() I know carnivores!) & yogurt but they were having a hard time eating the yogurt ( actually I had 2 dab it on their beaks) & they wouldn't touch the eggs. Any good recommendations (treatwise)?
Quote: If your birds won't eat scrambled eggs then either you've got some real strange chickens or your doing something wrong. Are you scrambling them well done and breaking them up into little bites, then you have to let them cool off. Scrambled eggs are one of their favorite treats of all times!

Bread and vegetable or fruit scraps are great treats as well.
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I just can't bring myself to give them eggs. Plus I don't want spoil them too much. Mine love meal worms. They then think my fingers are

Some of mine like lettuce and watermelon.
Mine have really taken to cherry tomatoes. I started to break them open a bit, but they have learned how to open them by themselves now. They also like blueberries and other types of berries as well. They have even caught and eaten some baby frogs recently, (poor froggies...) We've had a lot of rain lately...
Mine have really taken to cherry tomatoes. I started to break them open a bit, but they have learned how to open them by themselves now. They also like blueberries and other types of berries as well. They have even caught and eaten some baby frogs recently, (poor froggies...) We've had a lot of rain lately...

Poor foggies, but bet it was a riot watching them catch them! I can picture their heads bobbing up and down with the frog jumping..ROFL LOVE watching them!
Yes they have amazing eyesight. They even spot big birds high in the sky and run for their coop. Lol. They even see airplanes! Amazing.

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