Picking up chicks tomorrow - getting cold feet! UPDATE - pic heavy!

KristaBeth, I felt just like you do! When I first started thinking about getting chickens a friend took me up on it and made it happen, sooner than I thought I would be ready for. So when the day came for me to bring them home I was really panicking and getting "cold feet". I had no choice at that point so I went and picked them up. By the time I made it home with them I realized there was nothing to be afraid of and started to relax. That was December and I started with one broody hen and 5 chicks. I lost two of those chicks and have since then gotten 4 more! I love them! They are all just starting to lay and it is so exciting to go out to the coop and find their eggs every day. Plus it is so interesting to observe them on a day to day basis. Even though it is sometimes hard to handle situations that arise, I wouldn't trade it or my girls for anything. I think you'll do great and I know your life will be enriched in a big way!!
Congratulations and
You're gonna love it here!
I'm sort of new too, as I just started keeping chickens in July of 09. I didn't know anything! Like one of the other posters, I started with older pullets (2 & 3 months old), but my second batch I ordered as day olds. You will be fine. I agree with another poster that you just need to go get them and the rest will come with time, patience and research. You might have to make adjustments if you haven't done a lot of research, but just having them will inspire you to learn way more than you need to know in order to keep them.

And yes, if you keep them long enough, you will deal with the pain of loss, through illness, death, sometimes having to do it yourself too. Keep in mind that you are communing with nature and are a caregiver for living creatures relying on you.

You are going to do great!

Good luck and enjoy them.
Keep in mind that the posts here are heavily skewed towards the problems with having chickens, because someone is needing help solving a problem.
Here's my post:

I don't have predator problems
I don't have disease problems
I don't have chick problems
I don't have neighbor problems
I don't have dog problems

Very few problems over the last 6-7 years.

I do realise that I am very fortunate, and if I do have problems in the future, there will be BYCers here to help.

Imp- that's why I'm on here.

Good luck KristaBeth
I was also so scared....I moved to the country 6 years ago TO GET Chickens, and just worked up the nerve last year. I have 6 that are 11 months old and they are so fun. I don't spend too much time reading the "illness/pest/preditor" areas as I will be sure it'll happen to them! I JUST now let them out of their run for a couple of hours 3 days ago and they are so happy running around looking for worms...You'll do great!
I've had chooks for four months or so and am still very unsure of myself, but I try to let the birds be, wherever possible and it seems to work.

I'm really glad I got them and just wish for more time to spend with them!~ Fortunately my daughter enjoys sitting in the run where she reads for hours...

I've lost a couple of birds and you will too, almost certainly, but better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all...

I have found that this forum is very nurturing, so it's now possible to successfully keep chooks in the middle of town, without any help from neighbours, since we have hundreds of farmer friends online that are always willing to share, encourage, and uplift.
Just got through cleaning off 4 pasty butts. What fun.

The first 3 to 4 weeks with chicks is LABOR intensive.

After that you can enjoy them.
you'll figure it out, this board can be overwhelming but their just chickens, you'll realize that its all pretty simple ounce you actually get the birds.
I'm in my fourth month with chickens and I say you'll love it. Of course there are the things that could go wrong, but with some attention and care, you'll do great and you're chickens will thrive. My top 5 suggestions: fresh air and sunlight, lots of room, daily inspections of birds, food and water avail 24/7 and a predator proof place at night.
so far i've been lucky/blessed. no chicken problems. couple of pasty butts, no harder to wash than a baby. and a couple of picked at combs-they heal well and the dreaded molting--looks like they went through the lawn mower
everyone told me I was nuts--I even bought dual purpose so I could eat them ( not happening) the fun you get out of them is worth all the things you think you have to worry about
from Ohio; Krista, I started with 6 chicks last June, I read posts here daily on BYC. These people are fantastic! ~give the BEST advice. If this lil' city girl could raise some chicks and end up with a hen now a mom to her own 3 babies, YOU TOO CAN BE A SUCCESSFUL CHICKEN MOMMA ! Just be sure to keep'em warm & fed that chick starter. Stop in here & ask any questions daily, you'll do just fine!

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