Picture thread of my hens!

If you have plenty of room,and they won't be flying into the community swimming pool- I would let her be.
I am not a duck person, so I do not know if she has a duck migration bee in her brain and needs go somewhere.
I would think that is her home and she is comfortable there.
I'd leave her alone and for the same reason of predator escape, I would let daffy grow out in his next molt.
but if I had ducks...they be all over the neighbors' places and checking out every pool on the block.
Will hopefully be having their first full day out on Saturday if the weather is nice!

I've got a dilemma. Today when I was walking down the field to the hens, they were all running behind me as usual. Lacey duck was at the back and decided to take off into flight and flew past everyone and landed infront of me. It's the first time I've seen her attempt to fly and she was successful! So... do I clip her wings to stop her flying away, or, do I leave her unclipped so she can easily escape ground predators? Daffy tried to fly too when he saw her take off but his wings were clipped by his previous owner.
Hmm... that is a dilemma. We adopted a Pekin duck after the Mallard duck she was raised with (by acquaintances) flew away. So flying away does happen, although a Mallard is not a truly domestic breed, so that might make a difference. Our adopted duck could not free range without supervision because we have so many predators here, but she never tried to fly. In other words, I am not much help. Maybe you could post on the duck section of the forum to get more opinions.
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Do you think they will get some feathers in before it gets cold? They will need sweaters.
Yeah they should do. I don't like sweaters as i can't imagine its comfortable once feathers start to come through and it can make feathers grow abnormally too.
those are the most adorable ducks ever.

Lacy has the cutest face.

Oh no, your phone broke! I was wondering why you had not posted pics in a while.

Those are really great photos, and I agree the cutest duck face. Are they called "call ducks" in the UK?
Thank you both! Yes, Lacey and Daffy are both Call Ducks. I wont be posting anymore photos until I get my new phone. I've preordered the new iPhone6s Plus which doesn't come out in the UK till Oct 15th. Mind I think the phone might be too big so I might end up changing it for a smaller one, but I need to see it in person before i make my mind up. I'm going to make Lacey a little thread with all her pics in from baby to duck when I next get the chance!

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