Picture thread of my hens!

Not sure if I have posted these before as not all of the original pics would load


My girls are on a jungle adventure; hunting panthers.

Or, maybe they are just being lazy on my bed because it's too hot outside?

That's one nest found. My Ancona bantams. But she's older now so only lays every other day. I need to find my mix breed, welsummer and speckled sussexs nest as they lay everyday

Not long now! I have a cut off this little so and so! I wanted to take a took at her egg and she got a hold of my skin and started yanking it around and it started to bleed!


Bella and her little man! He had ago at one of the big girl chicks today (chicks from the broody hen above) and he give one of them a hard peck and she ran away thinking it was another hen but then looked back to see him chasing her, so she turned around and got him!!
That broody tried to warn you that your hand was at risk by giving you the broody stink eye - lol.

Your photos are so great you could submit 2 of your best for the BYC Calender if they had high enough resolution. But I don't know if your phone camera has a high resolution setting, even though takes really good looking photos. Pixels can be increased to a certain extent in a photo editing program after the fact though.

Here is the link to the calender thread in case you are interested: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/893232/2015-byc-calendar-your-pictures-needed

You may not feel like going to the trouble of submitting... Anyway, I enjoy your chicken photos no matter where they happen to be.

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