Picture thread of my hens!

Oh yes, Baytril will certainly prevent any infection. Of course she is in good hands while she is being nursed back to health. Thanks for the name explanation, now I know how to pronounce Oeflay : )
Oh yes, Baytril will certainly prevent any infection. Of course she is in good hands while she is being nursed back to health. Thanks for the name explanation, now I know how to pronounce Oeflay : )
I'm not even sure how tou will pronounce it but I do it like "oof" :)
'oof-lay' sounds like something my Swedish great grandmother would have said.
I thought it was 'oy-flay' which still sounds like something she would have said.
Last night:
Oeflays just claimed her spot as top pet here! Let the dog in after he had been for his night time wee and he came in and sniffed oeflay. She wasn't amused and lunged forward for him as he ran away with his tail in between his legs!

Was drama for my lot this morning. They all made their way to woods and Roger (top cockerel) grabbed Bella to mate. Bella as usual screamed the field down and then Henry decided it was a good idea to flap at Roger. Let's just say once Roger got off Bella, Henry couldn't get away fast enough. He ran away screaming with roger chasing him and then he had to squeeze trough the fence to escape. Think he needs to remember it was only a week or two ago that roger ripped his wattle in half and a point off his comb. If just better hope roger doesn't get a hold of him .
Oeflay update: she's not doing so well this morning. Although she's still bright, she's not eating or drinking. This is because be crop hasn't emptied over night. Really hope it isn't getting impacted because that's the last thing she needs. Give her all the meds and syringed a small punt of water to soften the contents up. She put up her biggest fight yet over the meds, was really annoying! Won't be offering her any more food till it starts to empty



I hope Oeflay's crop empties. I have read that after a trauma or attack, the chicken's digestive system slows down. Hopefully after just getting liquids and a bit of time, her digestive system will get back to normal.
I hope Oeflay's crop empties. I have read that after a trauma or attack, the chicken's digestive system slows down. Hopefully after just getting liquids and a bit of time, her digestive system will get back to normal.
Hope so. Have just been informed that porridge oars cause blockages and thats what I fed her last night!!
Lovely to see another one of your fabulous photos John, but don't keep us in suspense......... how is Oeflay doing? Last we heard you were concerned that her crop wasn't emptying. Really hoping that has now resolved itself. I'm sure I speak for everyone following this thread, when I say that we wish her a full and speedy recovery.

Best wishes

Lovely to see another one of your fabulous photos John, but don't keep us in suspense......... how is Oeflay doing? Last we heard you were concerned that her crop wasn't emptying. Really hoping that has now resolved itself. I'm sure I speak for everyone following this thread, when I say that we wish her a full and speedy recovery.

Best wishes

She has an impacted crop still, but it is going down slowly so far. If I can sort the crop then I am very confident in a full recovery! Thanks for asking :)

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