Picture thread of my hens!

Oeflays little saddle has come so she could go back out with the others. But turns out her impaction just moulded and hit from me, so that's still a problem!

3goodeggs was right, Oeflay's black and white feathers look lovely with violet accents. I hope her crop issues improve. Probiotics after antibiotics would not hurt. Let us the feisty girl thinks of her hen saddle, LOL. Pretty pic of Dorothy.
3goodeggs was right, Oeflay's black and white feathers look lovely with violet accents. I hope her crop issues improve. Probiotics after antibiotics would not hurt. Let us the feisty girl thinks of her hen saddle, LOL. Pretty pic of Dorothy.
She's been leaving me lots of presants to clean up throughout the day, so I'm hoping her crop in no longer blocked! Another one of my girls have managed to get a blockage now, but she's been eating bedding! And thank you!
Last night:
Have been helping some family friends throw together a temperary chicken coop today until they get their rented land sorted with sheds. They were offered two hens and a cockerel for free as their owner really isn't well. Well they asked me to go with them as they said I knew what I was doing. So I went and the hens were like half ferrel. They lived in a big barn which was caked in poo and they were perching right at the top so I climbed up to get them (really wasn't a safe option) and then two of the 3 flew down and started going crazy. The man said to me we needed a net, I was like "no if yous stay quiet I will get them" he was like "they're impossible to catch, ill go home for a net". Well as soon as he left, guess who caught them?! Once he got back we got the other one and then he told me that someone else kept hens around the back of the shed. So me, him, his girlfriend and his child went to look and I've honestly never seen hens kept in such disgusting conditions! There was rats everywhere and the runs were water logged and were suitable for like 6. I opened the shed and the heat and ammonia just hit me. There was over 20 hens in the shed. Could see a couple ill ones too. Rats were also running all over. I've been in a battery farm before and it was way more bareAble. Was really disgusted and sad for the poor hens.

Findd it ironic how I found those hens in poor conditions lastnight as today marks a year since I found the neglected primary hens. Penny and Jenny now live with me :)


Those poor chickens.
I wonder what the point of keeping them is for?
They can not be healthy. Would they even lay?
Is an egg even valuable from those conditions?
That is a shame.

I'd want to be your chicken if I was going to have to be a chicken...
I'd sit up high and watch the country side. I wouldn't even bother with laying eggs. I'd be one useless hen.
Are Penny and Jenny the ones you got out of the rafters? Didn't your friends want them? Are you keeping the Roo too?
I feel terrible for those other chickens, very sad.
Those poor chickens.
I wonder what the point of keeping them is for?
They can not be healthy. Would they even lay?
Is an egg even valuable from those conditions?
That is a shame.

I'd want to be your chicken if I was going to have to be a chicken...
I'd sit up high and watch the country side. I wouldn't even bother with laying eggs. I'd be one useless hen.
If I see any eggs I deffo wont be eating any! I saw a few lying around but rats were feasting on them. I hope they can keep eggs coming in so that the rats don't move onto them. It's been really hot lately so I'm going to drive up soon just to make sure they at least have water. Will also try find their feed to feed them. Think I saw it when we went up. And thanks haha, once the girls get over a few years old I tell them just to retire haha. I have one ex batt left who's over 5 now and is still laying daily and is gonna end up running herself into the ground :(. I keep telling her I don't want her eggs anymore haha

Are Penny and Jenny the ones you got out of the rafters? Didn't your friends want them? Are you keeping the Roo too?
I feel terrible for those other chickens, very sad.
Rafters? Jenny and Penny were from a Primary School. They never got fed or anything. I found them like a year ago yesterday and got them with me in Summer last year. Not sure what happened to the cockerel. He was the most aggressive I've ever seen, so I wasn't taking him sadly. Penny and Jenny in the eglu aren't the ones I wrote a long post about, their pen is heaven compared to the large flock I found the other day!

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