Picture thread of my hens!

You saved Mabel and she is grateful.
I have a dog that I rescued and she thinks I walk on water. The loyalty of animals is humbling. It makes me question how we have used them.
I think some animals enjoy their jobs though. I think work horses enjoy their tasks and so do sheep dogs.
Our dogs think they have jobs because I take them to work, but they really don't.
Aww thats sweet :)
May's picture on the calendar. Orp, Lily and Dorothy back in 2013
So much to comment on...
The photo of Orp and chicks is just priceless.
Aw, Mabel, she's so pretty. I hope she settles into the flock soon.
Yay, Oeflay, she is living up to her name again.
@Johnn how long ago was oeflay attacked? Cause we have a hen that was attacked about 2 months ago and is doing fine and is doing great but we haven't gotten an egg from her since. Think she will start up again? She isn't even 1 yet! We would hate it if she stopped laying before her first birhtday!
@Johnn how long ago was oeflay attacked? Cause we have a hen that was attacked about 2 months ago and is doing fine and is doing great but we haven't gotten an egg from her since. Think she will start up again? She isn't even 1 yet! We would hate it if she stopped laying before her first birhtday!
I looked back at the thread, Oeflay was attacked on March 21. Hopefully your pullet will start laying again soon.
So much to comment on...
The photo of Orp and chicks is just priceless.
Aw, Mabel, she's so pretty. I hope she settles into the flock soon.
Yay, Oeflay, she is living up to her name again.

I looked back at the thread, Oeflay was attacked on March 21. Hopefully your pullet will start laying again soon.
Wow it doesn't seem like that long ago! So happy she's healed for Summer :)
@Johnn how long ago was oeflay attacked? Cause we have a hen that was attacked about 2 months ago and is doing fine and is doing great but we haven't gotten an egg from her since. Think she will start up again? She isn't even 1 yet! We would hate it if she stopped laying before her first birhtday!
Yeah I think she will start. Maybes she just needs a bit more time than Oeflay :)
Mabel and Bella. Bella's laying me an egg and Mabel just goes in because she seems to get tired easily...

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