Picture thread of my hens!

For some reason the refrain from "The Sound of Music" started going through my head with the lyrics: "The hills are alive with the sound of chickens." The English version has chickens instead of Austrian children, LOL.
For some reason the refrain from "The Sound of Music" started going through my head with the lyrics: "The hills are alive with the sound of chickens." The English version has chickens instead of Austrian children, LOL.

Last night:
Has been really bad weather here tonight. When I went up to the hens after college, I usually shut the shelter sheds off to make sure the hens go into the big shed so that the timer can shut them in. Because the weather was so bad they were all wanting in the sheds and the top hens wouldn't let the lower ones in, so I had to leave the shelters open for the lower hens. Just went back up at 9 and the weather was really bad and I had to lift loads of the hens out of the shelters and into the shed. Once I had done that, I noticed the bedding on the shed floor was soaking and I didn't want the floor sleepers to have to lie on that, so I had to pile loads of dry bedding on top of it. I then looked at the shelters and they were also soaking and I was thinking if the weather is going to be like this tomorrow, I don't want them in that so I cleaned all of them out. Once I finish bed everything and was ready to go, the wind and rain completely stopped -__-


Lacey trying out the new nest boxes

Dorothy and Jenny


Bella and her mother


Lacy in her new box is a nice photo. Mabel is looking better. Is she still the stick tight to you, or has she adapted to her new flock yet?
Bit of both. She prefers me over them still and follows me everywhere. But she does often go free ranging with the others and if not she will go off alone which she never used to do!

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