Picture thread of my hens!

Daisy and Bella
I know, and he uses a phone. It is just unbelievable. I'd fill my memory card trying for a shot like that.

.. and the hen in the window is following her cue too.
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Don't really know what to say, other than im devastated. Went to the hens earlier on and everything was normal, I was just putting the food out like I always do, but then one of two things happened. Rather Lacey put her head in a feeder and Penny tripped over it and broke her neck, or, Penny tripped over the feeder and when Lacey went to go over it, she also tripped over. Either way, she's died. It happened that quick, that I don't even know which one of the two happened, but I seriously never thought anything like that could happen. After it happened, Lacey rolled in front of me and she was lying there like she was in shock, so I picked her up and she had a little fit, so I put her back down and started stroking her. She had another fit before making these random cluck noises and then she just went. I'm still so shocked and upset about it, haven't cried so much. Really can't believe this has happened. I don't have many good photos of her as she was always out and about doing her own thing so I never really got the chance. R.I.P Lacey




[COLOR=141823]Don't really know what to say, other than im devastated. Went to the hens earlier on and everything was normal, I was just putting the food out like I always do, but then one of two things happened. Rather Lacey put her head in a feeder and Penny tripped over it and broke her neck, or, Penny tripped over the feeder and when Lacey went to go over it, she also tripped over. Either way, she's died. It happened that quick, that I don't even know which one of the two happened, but[/COLOR] I seriously never thought anything like that could happen. After it happened, Lacey rolled in front of me and she was lying there like she was in shock, so I picked her up and she had a little fit, so I put her back down and started stroking her. She had another fit before making these random cluck noises and then she just went. I'm still so shocked and upset about it, haven't cried so much. Really can't believe this has happened. I don't have many good photos of her as she was always out and about doing her own thing so I never really got the chance. R.I.P Lacey
sorry to hear that she was a beautiful bird
Oh, I'm so sorry. Poor Lacey. I know it is very upsetting when a chicken dies suddenly in front of you. I had a rooster keel over and then start convulsing, and he died in my arms.

That photo of her with the chick was so lovely, and you also posted the one of her in the new nest boxes recently.

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