Picture thread of my hens!

Oh, I'm so sorry. Poor Lacey. I know it is very upsetting when a chicken dies suddenly in front of you. I had a rooster keel over and then start convulsing, and he died in my arms.

That photo of her with the chick was so lovely, and you also posted the one of her in the new nest boxes recently.
Thank you! I love that pic, thank you for reminding me about it! And aww thats awful :(
Very sorry to hear about Lacey
she was my favorite, so pretty.
Johnn---> so sorry to hear about Lacey. I love all the great pic's you post. Hope Penny is doing okay.
Penny is fine. She's in my bad books actually. Broody Orp got off her nest yesterday and Penny bashed her really hard when she wasn't looking and Orp was scared of her after that. Thanks!

Very sorry to hear about Lacey
she was my favorite, so pretty.
Thank you!
Them hens are partially in my care as I help my friends with them and everything they do they check with me for my opinion :)

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