Picture thread of my hens!

I'm so glad Daffy is being accepted. Love that photo of the 3 of them. You should find submit 2 photos to the "OTHER POULTRY" calendar that they started this year. I think it would be fine if the photo included a chicken as long as it had one of your ducks in the photo. I think they prefer horizontal oriented photos for the calendar, but you have quite a few photos you could submit. Check it out. the deadline is September 15: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/1015019/byc-2016-other-poultry-types-calendar-pics-needed
Worth a shot. You's will have to help me pick a couple of the ducks and Bella. Gonna post a few more today (not the ones im about to post) then we can decide :)
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Not ignoring anyone above, its just the answers to the questions are in this post haha

Look who I found! I just turned around and in ran Mabel! Haven't seen her so hungry since I found her! She's safely locked in a shed now. She was in a place I've looked at tons!



Here's Lacey duck shouting on because she decided it would be a good idea to jump Bully hen Osma from behind. Well once Osma saw who it was, Lacey got a massive flap and a kick whilst she was screaming and then she ran off afterwards quacking away to Daffy! I did warn her not to do it to Osma


I'm so happy you found Mabel! For some reason I didn't think she would have be the supper broody type. She looks like one of those laying breeds that tend to be less broody.

LOL, I can just hear Lacey quacking when I look at those pics. Hopefully she learned her lesson about bothering Osma.
Yay Mabel! That's so funny, her clutch of eggs. Lol! Glad she's back home and full =) thanks for the update, @Johnn

and all that.

yeah! Glad to hear she's okay and safe

Mabel is back!

I counted 16 eggs! Wow!

I'm so happy you found Mabel! For some reason I didn't think she would have be the supper broody type. She looks like one of those laying breeds that tend to be less broody.

LOL, I can just hear Lacey quacking when I look at those pics. Hopefully she learned her lesson about bothering Osma.

Thank you all, there was actually 22 eggs and some buried underneath the nest. Can you's all do me a favour please and look back at the pictures of Lacey from the start to now and tell me which yous think are best to enter for the non-chicken calender? I would really appreciate it :)
The fact Bella and Daffy have left Lacey behind... Think Bella's just happy mothering any duck haha

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