Picture thread of my hens!

My other post got lost somewhere. Thank you so much for sharing your chickens and ducks they are gorgeous. Your landscape is beautiful. The close up of Lacey is so sweet. Those jaws and smile just makes you want to smile along with her.

I'm sorry for all the things that are going wrong. It seems like when it rains it pours.

I'm glad all of your chickens and ducks are safe now. It will take a while for them to settle in but they will get it all worked out.

I hope you get to feeling better and god bless you.
February girls are dolly, daisy and Bella. RIP Dolly! All I can say is the new girls are lucky top hen dolly isn't here with the attitudes they have!

Big Bertha Orp wasn't happy to see a new girl flirting with her man!


Think she wanted to save me a trip to the best box!


Ducks are settling in well!



New hen Peggy!
Is that Big Bertha or Bella. The comb looks to big to be Bella. She sure is pretty my favorite chickens is the buff orphs.

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