Picture thread of my hens!

I'm so sorry about Rosie. She had a beautiful life with you and couldnt ask for a more loving home. RIP Rosie.

The pics are gorgeous as usual. You need to be taking pictures for a magazine. You are so talented.

Congrats to the Josie and the new babies. I can't wait to see what a half runner and half call duck looks like. That is going to be something else I'm sure. I wondered why we didn't have any pics of Josie for a while. Is Lacey ok? I hope she is.

I see my favorite hen Bella. I don't know what you feed your chickens but they look so big and healthy.

Thanks so much for the pics and updates. Have a great evening.
I'm so sorry about Rosie. She had a beautiful life with you and couldnt ask for a more loving home. RIP Rosie.

The pics are gorgeous as usual. You need to be taking pictures for a magazine. You are so talented.

Congrats to the Josie and the new babies. I can't wait to see what a half runner and half call duck looks like. That is going to be something else I'm sure. I wondered why we didn't have any pics of Josie for a while. Is Lacey ok? I hope she is.

I see my favorite hen Bella. I don't know what you feed your chickens but they look so big and healthy.

Thanks so much for the pics and updates. Have a great evening.
Thank you so much! Yep Josie hasn't been around for a month now! Lacey is great thank you. There will be pics of her very soon!
Well Josie has 7 babies in the end. She's such a good mother! They're in a little shed now building up their strength ☺️






Josie looks like a proud mom and no wonder those babies are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing the pics with us they made my day.
Lacey has a surprise for you all!

What's the cutest thing since Lacey duck? Lacey ducks babies!!! She has been hidden in the same field as Josie sitting on a clutch of 11 eggs. I knew about it for half of the time and left her to it as her last ones all got killed and she was gutted. She's so happy to be a mother and they are so cute! Love them!










Lacey wasn't the only one to become a mother to her babies today! I'm not sure if yous remember coco from last year? She was the one who has the baby ducklings that were killed by rats? Well she went broody earlier this year and all her eggs kept dying. I was praying throughout Lacey sitting that she would go broody so I could make use of all these babies. Well on the last week she did! Her sister Chanel was already broody, so I lifted the nest box divider up and they had one big nest with 3 of Lacey's eggs. Two have hatched and ones in the middle of hatching. I don't think Chanel will be the best mother but coco is showing to be great already, so I'm sure she will pick up the slack after Chanel. So happy that she's eventually a mother again, it's been a tough road for her!




Bed time for the babies! Happy to say the final baby who was struggling is eventually out and is tucked under mama coco staying warm that's 10 out of 11 eggs Lacey has managed. Think she has done great.




Come on kids, smile for the camera!



I love it! Duckling cuteness overload! They make me smile!

I love this pic. Do you mind if I share it with photo credit to "Johnn in Cumbria"? I think I'll put a caption like, "If ducklings ruled the world..."

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