Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

Looking carefully at the photos, I see some red,but not much, on the chest in the first two photos. Seems OK to me. I would like to have him in hand to have a really good look.
The European/British Standards generally "were written before the days of consumer protection acts" and they allow for the acceptance of some natural variation. The APA seems more pedantic and precise leaving little to interpretation.
The French Standard does not have a point score as does the APA Standard. This reminds me of when I was young and just starting out. I asked a well respected judge/breeder how to work out which was my best birds. His reply was to read,& re read the Standard until I had a mental image of the (non existent) perfect bird, then look at my own birds and do a mental comparison. To help me he gave me a paint by numbers picture to complete, with instructions that I had to return as I completed each colour. This work was checked, and corrected or tidied up until completed. He then produced a print of the original "Waterlilies by Monet" and asked which is the best. Monet won hands down, why - the original was a more balanced work proving the whole was more than the sum of it's parts.

I can see them, Jake is a very nice looking fellow. I'm just starting out with the breed myself. I've got a trio (though the rooster is really way to red), and some young chicks growing out from separate lines.
Cuban a lot of the BC Cocks here in the US have to much red in the breast and a lot of the hens have too much straw in breast and hackles. Probably closer to 75 % to be truthful on both. You just have to cull like crazy. The newsletter in Sept will start a series of how we can correct those problems on breeding to the French Standards. Notice I said the the French Standards...not the APA proposed Standards.

That's great.

What'll be the recommendation on getting that "parsimonious red spotting on the breast" that the French standard calls for? That one kinda stumps me -- how to reliably get the required spotting without getting excessive red, or without getting lacing.

ETA: Krys, the photos are showing up fine for me. Can you see them now?
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Thanks Brenda! I cant wait to see this newsletter. My life is just full of anticipation these days
I aslo can see some red in his breast.

Thanks again David for clarifying these things for us. I know I will get it "straight" from you. I can see now that I have THINGS to work on with my stock, but with dilligance and commitment I will persevere (oh and help from good people
) . So ima just keep working my way through this learing curve and keep on keepin on.

Keep the pic's coming please!

That's great.

What'll be the recommendation on getting that "parsimonious red spotting on the breast" that the French standard calls for? That one kinda stumps me -- how to reliably get the required spotting without getting excessive red, or without getting lacing.

ETA: Krys, the photos are showing up fine for me. Can you see them now?

The French standard says a "spangled breast" correct?
I can't read the original French, but in the English translation on the French club site it says "parsimonious red spotting".

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