Pictures of Possible APA Standard Marans Please...

Geesh!!! I didn't even see ya posted.. I have been so crazy this week with homecoming..Dance is tomorrow so its almost back to normal...
I am sooo Glad!!

Thank you for the picture. He is a VERY handsome boy. I cant really tell from the pic but Im sure you can tell me. Does the back of his comb touch the top of his head? Thanks.


Yep!! Comes of in the back of the comb...

Randy very nice looking Roo..
Mine got there copper feathers last I thought they were never going to come in.. Give him some time...

Thank you for the picture. He is a VERY handsome boy. I cant really tell from the pic but Im sure you can tell me. Does the back of his comb touch the top of his head? Thanks.

Chef-from what I am hearing, if you are curious about what type of combs a breeder's stock will throw on the 2nd gen offspring, you need to ask for pictures of the hens.
And actually, at least from my very limited experience so far with this, it seems maybe to be true. My young cockerels got their mama's combs. At least with regard to the points. Not sure yet on whether or not the blade will touch the nape on either of them. But my hens have 5 points, the 2 roosters I used have 6-2nd gen cockerels got 5 points.
The reason I was asking is because I remembered reading this is in the french standard which says,

Comb: simple, of an average size, with a fairly rough texture. Sharp edges. The lobe not touching the nape.

Please correct me if I'm wrong as I am still in that curve
but isnt the "lobe" the back part of the comb and the "nape" the top part of the neck? I am just trying to get the mental picture of this description and from "my" interpretation it appears this roo's lobe is touching his nape.

In APA parlance, the back part of the comb is the "blade". But I'm about 99.9% sure that when the French say "lobe" they mean the same thing. Which makes it a little extra confusing, because you have to keep "lobe" straight with "EAR lobe".
What about the five points? I read somewhere that a comb was supposed to have only five points. Is this really in the standards or just a rumor?
The APA requires 5 points for the combs of all large fowl breeds. I dunno why. The French do not specify a specific number.

Under APA rules, it is only 1/2 point off for each extra comb point -- so there are more important things to worry about.
This is incorrect, Ione. There are several breeds/varieties whose standard requires 6 points: Minorcas, Jersey Giants, and Hollands to name three off the top of my head.

But I can't agree with you more about stressing other more important attributes when selecting/culling breeding stock. It makes me cringe at the number of superb birds that are culled by inexperienced fanciers for having too many or too few comb points. In the grand scheme of things the minor score deduction in a show is simply insignificant. Correct type and health/vigor are always paramount.

This is incorrect, Ione. There are several breeds/varieties whose standard requires 6 points: Minorcas, Jersey Giants, and Hollands to name three off the top of my head.

Thanks for the correction! I've held off on getting my own copy of the APA SOP since they keep not printing the new edition, but I have seen David Hancox say several times that all APA single-combed large fowl have that requirement. That's what I get for taking someone else's word on something.

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