Pilgrim Geese thread

when can i let them graze
also how can i make them nice to me
Time and patience is the name of the game with geese. is your property fenced? you might want to start small with temporary fencing just to get them use to their new place then after a couple weeks let them gradually have more area, that way it will be easier for you to get them put up for the night. I like to go out and sit with my geese and talk to them they really seem to like it. and I really do too. Treats is another way to win them over if you can get water melon that is a big hit here, but i have to wait till price is lower but mine like chopped kale, romaine , whole corn but I give it sparingly mostly in winter to keep them warm. but that would be a few ways to warm them up to you. Put the greens in some water they really like that. Geese herd real well so a long pole or 2 I only use one to herd mine in of an evening. Walk slowly behind them guiding them where you want them to go.
Time and patience is the name of the game with geese. is your property fenced? you might want to start small with temporary fencing just to get them use to their new place then after a couple weeks let them gradually have more area, that way it will be easier for you to get them put up for the night. I like to go out and sit with my geese and talk to them they really seem to like it. and I really do too. Treats is another way to win them over if you can get water melon that is a big hit here, but i have to wait till price is lower but mine like chopped kale, romaine , whole corn but I give it sparingly mostly in winter to keep them warm. but that would be a few ways to warm them up to you. Put the greens in some water they really like that. Geese herd real well so a long pole or 2 I only use one to herd mine in of an evening. Walk slowly behind them guiding them where you want them to go.
so i can let them out now in a fenced area im getting a small 3 foot high fence maybe electric
but wont they fly away at the moment they dont like me very much
so i can let them out now in a fenced area im getting a small 3 foot high fence maybe electric
but wont they fly away at the moment they dont like me very much
If they are flying then no I wouldn't put them in a 3' fence. Are they closed up inside a building? that isn't good either.

They are probably still disoriented geese don't like change so this is all new to them including you. so maybe think of something temporary in fencing that is higher than 3'. Have you seen them fly did previous owner say he'd seen them fly?
When i brought home a 4 month old it took her a long time to feel comfortable here, She had little contact with humans and didn't trust me much at all. It takes time to get them where they feel comfortable but they will good food and shelter and TLC will bring them around.
well no but i presume they fly i can put them in a temporary wire fence is that good
but if i do they wont try and get out and run away will they i can put a bit of bird netting over the temporary fence
Ours don't do much flying. They'll fly low across the pasture when they're trying to beat the other birds to us when we show up to feed them.

AND>>>>>>> 1 of the three eggs we took from the nest after the family moved out has turned into a living breathing gosling... The other two are working on their internal pip. We must've gotten to them at exactly the right time.
My pair of pilgrim geese don't really fly, but my gander has managed to lift himself high enough to get over my 5 ft fence 3 times. I just trim one of his wings now and he hasn't since. The fertility rate on pilgrims seems to range. From my research I see stats anywhere from 40-80%. Geese in general are harder to hatch than chickens or ducks for most people. I got pilgrims cause I didn't want an aggressive gander. I also wanted to try and help the breed as they are endangered. Plus the color sexing is very convenient. :)
well no but i presume they fly i can put them in a temporary wire fence is that good
but if i do they wont try and get out and run away will they i can put a bit of bird netting over the temporary fence
Yes temporary wire fencing with bird netting over top will work make sure to fasten the netting down good with tie wraps or something similar so they can't go over top of the fence.

I believe my Toulouse could fly she did some practice lifts on the driveway one day so I have been clipping one wing on each of my 4 we have a fast flowing river down below us I sure don't want to lose them down there. Although they are so hateful right now[to the ducks and chickens] I have been threatening to just take them down there and letting them go. [just kidding]
So pleased with this hatch. Five out and one still working on it. Five more of mine, and four from shipped eggs are in another incubator and are about halfway. Never gets old, still a miracle every time.

Depending on how the second hatch goes I may be selling some of the goslings - if anyone is in or near

CT and interested let me know.

Bad hair day.

Two boys and three girls so far.

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